Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The summer is over...

We won't have much opportunity to show off with our sexy bodies around. Dunno about you, but in past six months I got ripped apart and I completely changed my visual appearance regarding my body. I can't post pics with before and after, but in a year I lost 20-22 pounds.

Autumn and winter are ideal time for preparing yourself for the next season if you are just starting.

So let's talk about what brings results in gym. It is three things.

Pushing your limits


People asked me how I got myself disciplined so fast? I kept myself motivated. Getting into seduction community I knew it was kinda a lie when they said that it's not about physical appearance. It is to a certain extent. If you don't look good, you need to make it up with some other areas of your personality. But changing your personality is a bit harder than changing the way you look.

Regarding the looks it's not really about how you look externally, but it's all about your internal validation of yourself, when you look yourself in the mirror and you say to yourself: DAMN I LOOK GOOD :)))

So I was inspired by Tyler Durden's (Mark Oven) speech about commitment to the results.

It doesn't matter if you are tired or if you are lazy, or you just don't feel, you must go out!

It is all about making healthy habits. You can't expect to look extremely better in a month, results take time. And you have to KNOW that.

So let's say you are tired today and you don't feel like going out to gym, you should push yourself just to go and you can say to yourself that you are gonna to the light training, just to make a habit out of it. 97% of the time when I said to myself that I am just gonna do the light training I did a complete one and felt way better about myself.

I like this song and it keeps my state pumped up for gym and for sarge also.

Pushing the limits

If you work out as a pussy you will look like a pussy. PERIOD. It will take ageeees to get you the
results you want. Get someone to sit over you while you are pushing your bench press and when it's
the last series and last repeats of the excersise, than do 2 more repeats! Your limit is when you
feel muscle ripping apart and acid pumping trough and making the pain! Learn to love that pain.
Learn it as a signal, that you did a good work out.

If you feel like that the weight is not giving you enough pressure, be sure to put on more weights.
If you can do 12 repeats in one series, than it's time to add some weight and lower the number of

Test yourself! Always on the last series add some more weight and try to give your max. If you push
it with same number of repeats than do that weight next time you do the same workout.

Always hit the pain! Pain is good :)

Some from the guys in my hood are doing workout openair. And the biggest guy explained how is
he doing his thing. "I don't count how much repeats I did, I just work until my pain hurts, make a
break and than do it again."


Nutrition is the key to your health and your looks. If you eat good and quality food, you will feel way
better and with higher energy levels. You will need to learn which food is rich with carbonhydrates
and fat, and which food has lots of protein. Making a healthy diet is essential for your looks.

Combining the good workout and good nutrition will get you ripped apart like an animal. You don't
need to take steroids in order to look like Brad Pitt or Christian Bale! (body wise).

I will write a lot about nutrition in my future posts so I will keep that area covered.

But to sum it up, if you want results, you need:

Commitment to working out and making a habit and lifestyle out of it.
Pushing your limits and not working out as a pussy
and eating healthy (and having good night sleep).