I was focused on solving some really important issues in my life. And now when that is set, I have decided to get back to the game.
Being a player is about being the game itself. Maybe it sounds to esotherical, but you need to know your path and you need to know what kinds of sacrifices you are ready to make in order to BECOME a PLAYER. Not a silly ass shit PUA, not new gay Mystery... It's about becoming a real man. Sophisticated real man...
Some time passed since I was investing my time in dates and quite some time since my last field report. Switched my focus on something else, just so I could come back stronger, stronger than ever... And I will continiue this curve in the time to come.
Because being in the game will lead you eventually to a plateau, so you need to work on multiple things about yourself. For me it's getting back to regular working out.
Just got back from a journey and funny thing is, how much you change quickly, when you change your every day routine. That is why I will always recommend traveling in order to cleanse your soul.
I am still with 2 girls on my team, but... I must admit, I got bored of sex with them, playkating them around was now only to satisfy my ego, instead of bringing me the results that would make me feel good about myself.
Also you have to realize and KNOW, that change must come first from WITHIN YOURSELF in order to manifest on the outside. You must know that, the girls you meet and fuck, won't make you feel desirable, if you don't threat yourself as desirable person... You need to gap that void within yourself if you want to move faster in your game. Confidence is the key, AND I CAME WITH SHITLOADS OF IT! :)
Last night I went out, finally, after quite a while and was quite happy. Wasn't talking and texting with my bitches as I usually do. I had game time, happy hunting time... Being relaxed and smiling a lot... Simply being carefree gets you a lot of attention and a lot of choosing signals.
I reacted, I reacted as mean motherfucker that I am.. First there's this bitch with her boyfriend, keeps eye fucking me. Boyfriend is some faggot, so I know why's she's checking out for a real man... I am not fond of hitting up on girls while they are with their boyfriends, that PUA bullshit... So I just call her out on that.
-"Why are you looking at me when you are with your man?"
She gets ashamed... As she should be... Would you like to have a girlfriend like that?
Getting eye contact from a cross the club. Approach the girl, ask her for dance, but since the music that night wasn't my kind of thing and it got really hot, I just went straight for the number. She rejects... Well I ain't gonna chase you girl... You had your chance.. For the best cock of your life... :)
I am just trying to demonstrate you the attitude...
Don't give up the fight, keep playing player...