Sunday, March 28, 2010

Player is pusher of words...

Flattery... Know that you are bluffing from START! I am always aware when something flatters me. I never bow down to words, words are pointless and meaningless. Thats how I view the words... We use words to fuel our game, chicks are addicted to our words and our voice, like to crack. They become junkies of our words! We're just pushers selling dope.

Being a dealer at really young age, made me comperhend some shit about people psychology. And emotions are the same! Emotions are triggering dopamine! When there is no dopamine in neural system, you feel like shit! Don't ever get addicted to this bullshit. You need to be detached from your own dopamine flow if you want to control yourself. You give, you takeaway! Give me my money and I will give you my words...

When I was weaker I used to feed of the game of the chick, their lies were strong, but I knew them on their plane, on emotional plane, so I had them eat back their words and suck them up, like truth, although they didn't meant shit from what they said. I always had my revenge.

Geminis are really good at selling THIN AIR! Know your words, know that they don't mean jack shit! Give them, FOR A PRICE. Be it blow job, or be it expensive car... Don't give them out for free. Value your words, but always know that they don't mean jack shit, they are just product, they have no value for YOU, they are not made for you to believe your own words, you NEED TO KNOW you are selling lies! Your product needs to be unique, because you are unique, she needs to know, that SHE WILL NEVER EVER FIND ANOTHER YOU! Your PRICE TAG IS INFINITE!

You are the one who is building empire in her mind and you are the ruler of that empire. If she doesn't comply and obey to YOU, that empire will SHATTER into pieces in the matter of seconds! She needs to bow down in front of you, with FEAR, with DEEPEST RESPECT to your dominance and masculinity. She needs to know that you are flow of her good emotions, if she doesn't play by YOUR RULES, there won't be any game! And than she won't get her crack. She won't get those good emotions, you will just remain silent.

Words are powerful, be aware it's 2 way street! Be aware how you view what you said. Be aware how things that people said to you affect you! You might giving your power away inside of you. It might not appear on the surface, but don't attach yourself to anyone! When you are player, you don't give your heart to anyone, you don't give away your power for words. Cause I will repeat, words are jack shit, they don't mean nothing to you.

It's your way or HIGHWAY! Give her some time, she will obey and come back crawling on her knees...

Get her life story, than MAKE HER LIFE STORY is my moto... Be that guy, who she will never be able to forget, who will haunt her in her sweetest dreams and her worse nightmares... Be that guy, who she owes her life to. Be her red pill, that she would like to take until the rest of her life and never get enough of it...