Monday, March 1, 2010

I blew coffee date... Even pro's make mistakes ;)

I went on a coffee date with a girl from the gym. Everything started out when she was watching me in the gym. I stepped up went to her and asked her do we know each other, she said she saw me in the gym, but we didn't met, than I introduced myself, asked her for the number right away. She gave it, but kinda resisted, and says, I will give it to you next time when I see you in the gym. And I am like, I am not gonna ask you the second time. She types it in after.

I call her two days after. Usually I call chicks right of the next day, but I was busy. Called her on friday and bust her balls about her accent, I feel like we have connection during those phone calls and fluff talk with enthusiasm.

We went on the coffee date in one excellent place. Cool atmosphere, kinda romantic. Waiter knows me, kinda smirks, cause he sees me often with different chicks in the same place :) Bitch orders a coffee and mineral water. They bring her most overpriced water they had. I buster her balls for that. I usually pay for the coffee, but at the end of the coffee she asks me do I want her to pay for the water, and I confirm it. She gives more than water was... Otherwise I would pay her the fucking coffee, since I feel cheap if I told her I am gonna take her out, I can at least pay for a drink. Usually I go to another place right after the first one. If she pays the second round I keep it cool, if she doesn't, than, I guess she won't be seeing me again...

We get in our cars and drive on to second location (sigh she took shorter root). We proceed to the place and on the way there I try to kiss her, she resists, even before I tried practically. Than I tell her that we don't even need to hit the second place and start going back to the car with her.

Her face was fucking furious. Pure gold to see something like that. Guess it kinda really got her ego down.

That is the breakdown of what happened. Here is the list of things I know now I COULD do better. I don't regret anything, it's a part of my learning curve.

First of all, I need to tighten up the game and fucking get over it in my head that I literally NEED TO REVERSE THE GAME TOTALLY, not some half ass shit. I talked with this with my player friend, he insisted that chick is the one who is practically doing the first kiss. You just need to give them opportunity to do it.

I think my game was up to the level there. We had connection while talking, I was trying to figure out what she's into and sell myself on the topic. Basically we had shitloads in common, so we had many subjects to talk about.

Anyway I don't understand the chick. If she went on a date with a guy that she talked well and had loads in common. We kept it sexual in the convo and enjoyed it really much, like both of us. Than why she didn't wanna go for a kiss, usually it's done deal.

So my wild guess is that she's low on self esteem and wanted some nice guy to threat her nicely to fuel her ego, which kinda ruins mine. But in the end, she was the one to get frustrated, so I feel cool about myself for stepping up to my ground in the end.

I take all responsibility on myself, and I believe I will figure out my blind spots in the future. I want to know how to extract her dream and resell it right back at her during the convo, so she KNOWS, I am THE ONE for her.

She choose me, and later on this proovs that my game is not up to that level, but I am progressing.

Also I believe that I am putting to much pressure on myself to bring up third team member, and maybe some desperation comes from that. I am going to be laid back about it, and it's gonna happen eventually, cause I AM FUCKING STEPPING UP! So sooner or later... I am not gonna be such a fucking try hard about everything, game is about being chilled and laid back, and keeping the power in my court.

I gave my fucking power away by going to full blown kiss, and not leading her to it. I am not gonna stress much about this (though I am). Learning from my mistakes...