Sunday, February 28, 2010

Car race with a blonde...

Two chicks park beside me on the traffic light. I pump my horn, she views at me. I blow her a kiss. She blows back...

Blonde, all made up hair. By the looks of it, a freak, the type I want to hunt down...

Traffic light turns green and I speed up. She had better car and accelerates faster and gets ahead of me. We're both running 120km/h. Streets are empty and all of this is happening around 2 am. I try to go in lane with opposite direction to move past her, she jumps in front of me. I blow horn and don't push back, she moves eventually and I get ahead of her and in back to our lane...

I take a right turn, and she proceeds forward...

It was cool experience... I realized how freaks and that type of girls love excitment... Maybe I should have pulled over and got her number or somethin...

Till next time... ;)