Monday, February 22, 2010

How to increase quality of your relationship management by 57%

This month goes smooth. Better than I imagined. I didn't do many approaches, but guess what, I don't need them. At the momment I need to handle two of my baby girls.

It is amazing how them calling me Daddy turns me on, seems they start to like it as well.

My main girl busted me on cheating on her and had some serious good advice on
She's still with me. (and I am still cheating on her). What I can tell you is that not chasing a girl, when she gets affraid is something that brings results on the table, if your game in bed is up to the level...

I know I was hard to girls in the past and being cruel a lot, but lately I figured out that only way of disciplining them is trough pleasure...

...and delayed pleasure!

I don't know how much to stress you out with this, but girls obey when you don't step up on them and their insecurities, you need to justify their failures and pin point them with positive in order to bring change in them.

I have hard times keeping my heart in safe, but somehow I manage it. There are still some certain insecurities that are holding me back, but they seem to dissolve on daily basis.

I need third girl on my team and than I guess it's complete...

Also I need some time for myself, so I started schedueleing days for girls, they know I am there for them on certain days. And I am getting less and less flexibile about it...

I hooked up on GoaTrance again, it brings me back to my path and purpose. And my purpose is to have leadership role in society and make positive change in the world.

Enjoy some beautiful religious sounds of Etnica: