Sunday, February 14, 2010

Phone Game with a ho!

Okay, now I totally got what the freak is. This bitch actually thinks that she is something, by getting married 3 times and having tons of cash already and her own company... We talked for half an hour and I was using my lower tone voice, which most of chicks get hooked on.

Well in all of that I see potential! We were talking about sex quite a lot. She gets tons of attention, during our phone call her phone rang 3 fucking times, with some random chodes that I made fun when conversation ended. Told something liek, I am not gonna talk with you anymore, got other stuff to do, you already got guys to amuse you. She replied something leik, yea, but they only amuse me by talking. I said ofcourse, I know that, cuz I amuse with other things. She says to me that I am naughty and rude, and I tell her, that's becuz you like it that way...

What I figured out that this ho or freak or whatever knows the game! I heard half of the lines or read them, or heard them either from pick up community or on this site, or from my player friends. Just from this bitches mouth. I literally sensed how she tried to play my emotions and it generated massive attraction when I laughed it off and said that she's cute, like to lil sister.

Gold momment was when she (I WILL HAVE TO USE PICK UP TERM FOR THIS) QUALIFIED ME and/or disqualified me. It was funny as hell. She is imposing questions what I like or what I don't like, and I am telling her all the time the opposite, just to piss her off. :) Than she says something like you have minus points for having facebook and I accuse her of being shallow! She starts qualifying herself and justifying her statement.

She was shit testing me for my age and I was busting her for that, and also told her that she's not the oldest chick that I dated, which is exactly true, 33 years old are kinda kids for me now :)

We talk about sex, and I ask her if she's into BDSM, she says yea, than I told her that I will enjoy dominating her. Schedueled meeting tommorow 17:00 in strict city centre, where she supposedly has a flat. I guess I am going for the pull on day 1 in her place.

I am concerned that she might stood up, BUT why would she otherwise hang on the phone with me for 30 minutes? And 10 minutes previous days... Well it can only be her loss if she does.