Lately I completely went off the line with myself. Spending way too much time in front of computer, stopped working out and devoted myself to work and generally betrayed myself with crappy behavior... When shit like that happens, your game goes down. Period.
Tough I kept shitloads of my fake confidence and became blind to things that are happening around me, instead of being a wolf in the sheep skin...
So I got a date with some fancy dressed chick and I fucked it up. Getting her life story was easy part, because she was talking shitloads, but instead of listening... I was preocuppied with my ego and how I got good pussy instead of trying to figure her out... We made out right off the bat and there was great intimacy between us. I knew when energy fell down and I failed at selling the dream. Seems like that the best teacher is experience, and I could have tons of it for the past 2 months, but I've decided to stare at this ugly monitor....
The problem was when I didn't want to pay for the other drink (I paid for the first one). Issue is not that I didn't want to pay the drink, it's that I didn't play it off with words the way I should as a player....
At least I got back into the game, because past 2 months I didn't move my ass from this stupid computer.
Need to get back on track, since at the momment I am down on one bitch, instead of having three...
Need to regain my motivation somehow to wordly things instead of blabbing about internet marketing 90% of the time.
When we separated, I told her to wake me up tommorow, she said cool and confirmed the time. Than couple of hours later...
This message is the reason why I am writing this post:
"Since probably when I start to work tommorow, I will forget to wake you up, so tune your alarm. And I don't want you to put your hopes up, I am not gonna fake you around. I didn't like some things that are important to me, and beside all of that you are younger, sorry."
(sorry for loose translation, it's kinda hard) I replied:
"I think you misjudged me and you're not giving us opportunity to meet better... If you feel that's for the best, okay. If you feel differently, we'll hear from each other. Sweet dreams"