Wednesday, October 7, 2009

06/10/2009 Blown out times... :)

This was an interesting evening. I was out with my friend who got into seduction trough me like week ago. I am thrilled by his eagerness to approach. His attraction is quite good, but he gets stuck when it's about touching a girl.

We went to some Arabic caffe to smoke some nargilas and went on to approach some chicks there. Not much of a choice so it was up to me:

"Hey girls, wanna hang out with me and my friend? It's his birthday!"

I jumped trough some hoops, which I didn't like and biggest mistake of all is that instead of bringing them to us, we came to them.

Well they invited us over and location was better, because it was more private.

And it was longest stick in the set ever. To hang out for 3 hours with some chicks we've just met is quite an epiphany for me.

I do regret that I didn't went for the kclose with the chick I liked. I choded out at the begging of the interaction that I took. Don't know for what reason. Turns out that those 2 are SF geeks and Mensa members...

At one point I needed to get out of the place for 30 minutes, my friend wanted for us to stick there. Hell even wanted to stay there himself. I didn't want that to happen. So I followed him trough.

After we came back, we got accepted with cold turkey.

It amazes me, how at one point, it can be ONNNNNNN and so fucking ONNNNNNNNN... And next momment, we're landing ground zero :) They were offended because we left or what?

I don't even care, it's never about them, it's allways about YOU!

I am not motivated enough to write this field report in detail. But I learned something about myself and that counts.