Saturday, October 31, 2009

Chode Regression Pattern...

Why do we regress if we don't approach consistently?

After 2 months of non-approaching I again have some shit form of AA, some shit form of blockades when I am about to kiss close and things like that...

I believe that some of you guys have an explanation for this. I just don't feel well when I have drawbacks in my game it makes me feel kinda frustrated, but also keeps me in drive for trying more.

I made some moves, my verbal game is up to the task, but, that kino momment, when you need to reel in and grab a girl, make a critical move I get stuck in my head and block myself shitless. I am not 100% sure, I am not 101% decisive! How to get there? Grrrr..........

Having a gf is like a curse, rather than a buff...