Monday, November 2, 2009

6 common myths about fitness and working out

I know all of us fell into this hell hole before. I surely have to admit that I was one. At first, I never checked my diet, never checked my form, and so on. However, as time evolved over the years, I started taking my training serious. Real serious to a point where I was competing at a top level for bodybuilding (not professional since I didn't win my card yet).

Complaints and myths:
-Lifting at higher reps will get me toned.
-I'm eating over 3000 calories but I'm still the same weight.
-Muscle turns into fat if I don't keep lifting.
-If I keep lifting the same, I will always look like this.
-I can eat whatever I want and still look the same.
-Feeling sore means my muscles are growing.

Okay, I hear this bullshit all of the time from people who just started out or are lifting that don't know jackshit about what they are talking about. It gets to me at how people take a simple thing and make it so technical.

Anyways, here are the answers to these complaints and myths:

1) Lifting at higher reps will get me toned. Nowhere near true. Getting "toned" (by which I HATE this word) is pretty much losing bodyfat. Lifting at higher reps will build more endurance for the muscles as it would twitch the white strain of muscle fibers. Rep ranges for strength, hypertrophy, and endurance are as followed: 1-6 reps is strength training, 6-12 reps is hypertrophy training, and anything more than 12 is endurance training.

2) I'm eating over 3000 calories but I'm still the same weight. It just means, "Eat more." I hear this complaint A LOT and there really isn't a complaint like this that should be around. I made this excuse, but after having a bodybuilder's trainer help me out, it makes sense. Just eat more. If that isn't enough, eat more.

3) Muscle turns into fat if I don't keep lifting. Muscle is always muscle... However, if you do stop lifting, your muscles will wear out and start to deteriorate. It's called atrophy. It's always good to keep working out though, 'cause we can see a lot of positive things out of that like progress and motivation.

4) If I keep lifting the same, I will always look like this. Aw hell no. Whoever lifts the same all the time really is killing himself, 'cause the body will just start to wear down after being so used to lifting the same. Always keep the body excited and surprised so gains can remain or progress. Change workout routines everything 3-5 weeks.

5) I can eat whatever I want and still look the same. Well, you are what you eat. Want to be a fat ass? Eat like one. Diet is 80% of what we look like in general since our bodies contain nothing but chemicals anyways. However, if you're taking training serious and want to sculpt your body, diet matters the most. Always keep diet in check first before lifting.

6) Feeling sore means my muscles are growing. This would be DOMS (Delayed onset muscle soreness). DOMS can be anything. It can be good or bad. A good pump should only be for a couple of days at most. If you are feeling sore, bad chance that might mean that you overtrained and overtraining is bad for the body.

Credits to Hagman from Start Being forum ->