Sunday, November 29, 2009

Field Report 28.11.2009.


I was approaching like a motherfucker tonight. During the day I opened some chick in the gym, with something that was high risk, went well, fluffed a bit. To open in gym was a barrier, because I am there everyday and kinda don't want to fuck up my social proof there, which is true bullshit, because I really don't need to care what anyone else thinks of me, so I took a baby step toward liberation, there are other hot chicks that work out, why not approach them.

In the evening I met up with 8 guys from the community. I organized entire gathering, some people were missing, but it was cool. I was late, couldn't find a parking lot, barely did it. When I arrived they were chodeing around and talking about the game, some of em, met for the first time. I came in, introduced myself to the crew I didn't know and went opened some chick with: "I like your hat." Convo went from there, I wanted to pull her with us to the club, she politely rejected. I went in too fast again... Damn I seem not to take this seriously enough.

After that, guys went to the cafe and me and my friend went to approach sets on the street. For the rare ocassion I opened 2 set without anxiety. I Believe that was the best set of the evening, vibe and state wise. I opened my target with: "May I meet your friend, she seems really cute" While eyefucking her totally. I found out that my original target is not that good chick, so I swap to friend.

Anyway, eject again. I am starting to believe that I am approaching just for the approach itself, without intention to push trough. I guess that is my new comfort zone that I need to break.

Than entered the caffe and guys were chodeing around about M3 model, NLP, routines and outter game stuff. It was boring, but kinda people were getting to know each other and sharing their goals, sucsess and failures.

Than we went to the club. I opened some two barely legal chicks. It was on till one moment, me in her face and everything was cool and next momment I blew it, don't know why, just felt it.

After that I opened some chick, over my shoulder, she tells me to turn around (away from her), I tell her thanks for inviting me. Tried to plow, although it was blowout out from the start. She started mentioning her BF and that he's behind her and she was serious about it.

My eyes are collapsing, I am gonna finish this story as soon as I wake up.