Sunday, November 22, 2009

Field Report 21.11. Saturday Night Fever Part 1

A friend picks me up and we go clubbing tonight. I wasn't thrilled because I wasn't dressed perfectly and on top of it all, I wasn't shaved. Going to clubs with beard FOR THE WIN xD

We go to some place around 23:00 and it's empty I approach some people that were there just for the sake of opening, we leave. As far as I remember we were constantly opening the sets on the streets asking for the directions to the club and for the fun of it.

We go to another place. It's around 23:20, it's also empty. Only 2 noticeable targets were 2 blondes. We approach, I can't even remember what we said. We start talking with them and somehow. I remember doing some standard kino push and pull on both chicks. One of them is wastly unreceptive, the younger one, which is huge. I noticed my friend kinoing her as well, and she was resisting it big time. She was as tall as me, like 190 cm, which was awesome to me. I tried to dig in for the number too soon, rejection, i was like what the fuck, my current judgment was telling me that it was okay. But since my friend was doing okay I was winging for him. In the blank time I was fucking around with chodes around us, looking for a boyfriend for her and playing fuck, marry, kill.

That routine is a kicker. And chodes entering the set as well! I was laughing my ass off, how the guys whom I introduced to her were so out of the zone of what they should do. It was so funny and I think that impressed her, although it was not my intention to do so.

There were some insane flirtations, while we were dancing. I liked something about her, but I think I overnegged her at some point.

He ejects with his girl and goes for makeout, they get back, do a makeout in front of us, and I try to pull it off as well, because my chick was all freaked out that they got together so quickly.

I grab her, reel in and say, well let's not make an exception out of you as well and go in for the kiss. And she gets freaked out in some strange sort of way, like she is excited as fuck that it might happen, but that's not something that she wants to allow to herself. Well that's at least how I fealt it.

My friend, number closes her friend and we leave. I am on after this point, I went in for the kiss in 20 minutes interaction, not something I would usually do. So literally after this I am on FIRE! We approach some more street sets, constantly keeping the interaction with the environment. I am literally glowing!

Constantly opening sets in front of clubs, getting into clubs without reservations, befriending boucners. We go to this second venue, which is full when we arrive. Some serious hot chicks working at the entrance start flirting with us, we bust their balls and enter down. Not comfortable gaming chicks that are working, dunno why.

I skip few sets, this is new area for me, never been in that club. Open some set and it doesn't hook, not some insane chicks, so I don't really care much. I find 2 BEST LOOKING GIRLS in the ENTIRE FUCKING CLUB! They are at the bar, and some 3 chodes in suits stand behind them drinking some fancy expensive drinks, trying to initiate some talk with them. I just move them away and go directly to blonde one.

"Hey my name is EF!" and that was it! We're hooked, my friend hooks her brunette friend and it's on. I literally see envy of the chode guys behind us, who leave right after a few momments. Sorry guys, but I've got batter chances than you unshaved, than you in the suits, haha :)

Anyway the blonde one is kinda reserved, she is totally cool to hang out with. Me and my friend swap for a moment and I introduce myself to the brunette. We fluff talk, and start talk about horoscope.

-Whats your sing?
-What's wrong?
-I can't hit on you now, you are same sign as my mother!

At this point she starts laughing as fuck, but starts qualifaying herself to me. Starts busting me that it's like incest than, something like that, but obviously attracted to me. So I see it's ON and it's fucking ON! So I go on like this:

-Ok, ok, I give you another chance. Whats your sub-sign (dunno how you translate this, but I hope you got the idea).
-Omg, get over here! (Reel her in and go on for the kiss)

She gets away, it's like 45 seconds of interaction. She moves her head and gives me a cheek. At this point I push her away from myself and we proceed like nothing. My friend pulls me and says we switch back, he doesn't know what exactly to do with a blonde, and I am like to him, but I am doing well here, and he's like no, you chose your target and I want to get back to mine. I am like, okay wtf, whatever...