Saturday, November 14, 2009

Field Report 13.11. Eyes Wide Shut

Uf, glory day... I am exhausted!!!! Had loads of approaches and can't remember half so far. There was this one approach that I'am proud of! Anyway I am gonna state how all went, accurately as possible.

First I've got myself into talkative mood, again, just by saying random hello to chicks around me and I keep getting good responses and hello back. Than I went and asked some chick if she can tell me and my friend where can we eat? She was really polite. We take a walk and approach city square.

I find a glory chick, go hard and go direct, that is like first approach. I keep plowing, she tells me her name, and she's like "I am waiting for my friend". It's quite akward when you go in hard during street game (it was evening, so I can't say it's practicely day game).

The chick gets embarrassed and tells me she has a boyfriend, I reply: "But I am not interested in your boyfriend..." I couldn't handle the pressure after this point and therefore I eject. Somehow I fall into their emotion of uncomfort or it's vice versa, I don't know. Anyway I got into reaction. It's somehow funny, you are there in the moment and recognize the symptoms of what you are doing wrong. She was constantly smiling though and I felt fine because of that.

I get back to my friend, we sit near by. We talk about him doing his first approach, and he's stuck. I like the kiddo, he's super cool, but has problems with AA, his game is fine in social circle, but on streets he gets totally confused. Anyway I tell him it's easy and open up with total random bullshit the first chick that was near us. "Hey hey, we need your opinion, we're having a discussion here... Who lies more, man or woman?" The chick replies... Execution was perfect, I could stack on from there and kept talking, but it wasn't the point in that particular moment.

We see this incredible blonde, from a far she looks like a 9. I am petrified in a way. Trying to push my friend into doing it, he doesn't want to. Fuck it, she's cool. I go in and I go in hard and keep 3 things in mind:

1. I don't fucking care what everyone thinks of me.
2. My game is fucking 10.
3. All the chicks are into me.

And I approach her directly.

"Hey I find you interesting, want to get to know you better. My name is EF."

She gives me her hand, but doesn't give me her name. She kinda gets frightened, and this is where I surprised myself! I step back and put my palms up front, like totally non aggressive. Like courtship between animals. This keeps me in game. She starts smiling. We start talking. I start busting her balls. I tell her she's shy, she says, that she's not used to meeting people on the street. At this point I figure out that she's made up for tonight, otherwise she would be 8. I tell her something about hair, complimenting her, and wonder how come other guys don't approach her, something like that and accusing her that she's seductress. I went in for the number too soon and asked her 2 more times for her name.

Damn, dunno why I did that mistake. It's not a first time that a chick doesn't tell me her name and I dealt with it in the past by giving them names I want and immediatly from there goes into role play, dunno why I fucked it up this time, doesn't matter. I keep strong eye contact and I can sense attraction spiking. She starts asking me questions.

"How old are you?"
"What do you study?"

And those other bullshit chodes would ask chicks.

I bust her balls, tell her she's maybe infected with swine flue and push her away from me, she giggles there.

During the entire convo, my hands are shaking a bit. I am having huge adrenaline rush, but kept it under control, feeling was insane. That feeling itself, created insane vibe. Got me under the influence of the whole thing. We talk something and she figures out that I am with my friend. And than I tell her that I can't leave him for too long, I felt stupid for leaving my friend too long alone, but it was mind fuck, stupid excuse, justified in my head, should have kept plowing. Stayed in set sooo long... I believe I was at hook point.

She asks me what's my zodiac, I tell her my zodiac, ask her hers, she tells me she's <3rd> and than I bust her that she's dangerous. She asks why, i respond, that her sign is great in bed, she starts giggling...

So in the end I got where she's university, how old she is and her zodiac sign, but still no name, nor phone number! I was too aggressive at start, where I was supposed to build attraction and cool off the harsh get in. I believe it's more suitable for clubs, rather than for streets.

At the end I kiss her in the cheek, she doesn't get away. I was inviding her personal space after 4-5 minutes of conversation. After that I am just glowing and walking on pure adrenaline.

Than some random shit on streets, nothing serious.

After all of that street gaming I get on some private party. Instantly I hook up on some 3 set. Get there initial attention and we shoot some pictures. It was maskenball and I was one of the rare ones not in the costume, I wasn't planning to go there anyway. I bust some balls in that set and at one point I start loosing things to say. I sensed some vibe between me and tenis girl (her costume). Girls give me the roll of her manager. Than it's totally off when I leave my jacket and I don't get back into the set.

From this point everything goes down. My energy level gets insanely low and I am still tired. I was busting some balls of the other people on the party. Few crappy blow outs. There was one chick dressed up as a guy, I tell her I would never figure out she is a girl. We vibe a bit, than she gets cocky, and asks me why am I not talking to other chicks and says she's hitting them all the time. She assumes I am gay and I acknowledge it and start touching her. She freaks out and stands away from me and leaves. Brings in some chode and chode starts talking to me, she says I am gay. I start touching the guy, guy gets weirded out, she gets turned on. I chat a bit with a chode. He tries to amog me, I just laugh unreactivly. It's somewhat silly I don't take it personally, assume he had too much to drink, he's dressed into football player. After that I see the chick checking me out a couple of times.

And when I am about to leave I go and say hi to tennis girl, she's really sad that I am going, that moves up my state (still Dependant on external validation) and say hi to "school teacher", who is actually a friend from high school. I bust her balls for the costume, she loves the way I kino-ed her straigh away for lower back, I think it kinda turned her on, she got super sexy in her voice. Looks way better than she usualy does.

Anyway now that I am rewinding the party I don't know why I left, but for some sillry reoson I couldn't push myself anymore out of my comfort zone. Chicks were receptive, but I was off.

One of those great days, where I pushed myself pretty hard. Proud of myself, a lot.