Sunday, November 22, 2009

Field Report 21.11. Saturday Night Fever Part 2

So when my friend blows it up, we leave that club. We were supposed to meet some other "player" guys in some other club, but their cell phone went dead and we didn't want to pay entrance fee, when there are tons of free clubs around.

Anyway when I was saying hi to the brunette, squeezed her hand, she squeezed back, it kinda filled me, filled me with love, love of interaction with all of those nice chicks that I want to bang, love of them and love for them. They are such a beautiful creatures, reacting to the world around them and having a goal on this planet like everyone else, just other means of achieving it. :)

Since we get to the next club, it goes a bit downhill. It was insane how we dealt with bouncers. I was on telephone and my friend just pretended how we're supposed to be in and we've got in. I was like all super important on phone and not even paying attention to the guards and they've just let us in. It was smoking hot inside, filled up with chodes mainly, but there were fancy sluts as well :) Met some friend of mine, picked her number up and we fluff talked for a while. Busted balls of her friend, while my wingman was approaching some set. I enter set and unfortunately his target is like all over me. It seems like he blew it off, but she was onto me. We fluff talk there for a while, but since these were ugly bitches, they didn't hold on my attention for too long. Dunno why he opened them in the first place, we're approaching sick sets, not some second grade chicks :D

Anyway I try out to open with my bag. Asking chicks for the opinion if they think my handbag is gay, or super gay. I do it just for the fucking fun of it. Not getting the reaction I want to though :/

So we leave the club, on the way to the car I hear 2 bitches talking on english. I yell, hey girls, we are not prepared for that, we need to meet you first, before THAT! They turn around and start to gigle. We start fluff talking and all the time we speak English instead of our mother tongue. This is my field and I bust shit mercilessly vomiting words on them. I game uglier chick, while the other one gets attracted. My friend is not best with English, but we agree on going with them to some fucking 5th club of the night. On the way there I fuck up with the number close on the uglier one. I dunno why I even bothered asking her for the number, but I loose it. It was something about the weed, and I was like, let's smoke weed some day, and she went all like NO, NOOOO I am trying to quit! I was confused with that shit, how can such an ugly chick reject me for number, when I was pulling way better stuff with hotter chicks. Anyway after that we're at club entrance, start talking Serbian and we swap. I get on the other chick, hear her name kept calling her name and we flirt a lot, body language is cool and everything goes smooth until I tell her that she's silly.

She disslikes it, but it's something EVERY chick I ever got hooked up with loved. And it got me confused. I know she's reacting, but why not to that. And I was persistent, cause it's part of who I am to tell stuff like that. Need to detach myself from such things. Anyway I couldn't ask for the number, cause I already asked her friend for it, though she didn't hear it. My wing, wants to eject, it's time to go home and my time to see my girlfriend.

Anyway the way we hugged was something that will keep really dear memory for that night. It was completely something that made my night. I regret now that I gave a fuck about her friends opinion and she not giving me number. Anyway I am never gonna #close ugly bitches again not even for making a mentality of #closing, if I don't like the chick I won't call her anyway, so...

This was my step up. Nothing won in this evening's process, except I helped my wing properly get his chick down. Clubs become my playground. I see something that I didn't knew I was being capable of and had loads of fun in the process, like I hitted 2 blotters of acid :p