Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Approaching to the new chapter of my life

I locked myself in the house for the few days until I finish this exam shit. Not going out anywhere until I settle this stuff. Passed one exam this month, 2 more to go. It will be most that I gave in one month.

After that I am supposed to go to masters degree. I believe this is going to fix my inner game a lot, after I accomplished something important like that, after all it's 4 year investment.

Some married chick that I was making out this summer and with whom I stayed in contact started acting all bratty today on fb, I told her to fuck off for that behavior. It's not about game, when you have some things that you don't tolerate. I feel quite happy about it. Before I would just get sick on it I guess. Lesson learned, no game modifying for married chicks. My consideration can get misinterpreted as chode behavior or whatever. I've let it go and feel happy about it.

Stumbled deep into Jeffy's book, practicely loving it. I was too into material late days that I forgot what my vision is and kinda got back to it.

Worked out in my house today, because I am not going to gym, in order to save time for more studying. I am motivated a lot and keep lots of pride in my push up's on hands only, with my back and legs on the wall. Something that separates me from the rest of the people who don't do shit for them selfs.

The end of university is quite near and I am happy about it. Some things are going to be different soon. There is a proposition from my father to go and work in Vienna. It's in really strong company I believe it's gonna be good experience for me.

This seems like my period when my life is getting in the place where it should be. I need surpass that and move above it and make the fucking myths and legends!

My gf is gonna drop by to my place tonight. Gonna fuck her brains out.

Next FR when I am done with my faculty.