Monday, January 11, 2010

From Zenmack with Pride :)

I love generalizations! I really do. This video made me laugh my ass off, but also it kinda pin pointed me in which direction I should be going.

No disrespect for PlayerSupreme, but that was Comedy Central :)

I like attention, it might bring me some more readers to my blog. And I guess I need to focus more on what I am writing and posting more closely.
I guess he really is right when he says my style of writing is robotic, but I just keep journal of sorts for now. Maybe I should really add up value for the
readers, but for that I would have to read some English literature first, it's not same as writing on my native language.

Well, even bad publicity is publicity, so I got to repay the debt to an old man. I will reserve the spot on this post for making a review on his book:
7 steps to become PlayerSupreme. Check out more on his website :

To start of small, since I read shitloads of material in this matter, this book was quite good. It had some shitty introduction that almost led me to stop
reading it, about how players are emotional vampires and stuff like that, really poetic bullshit, but was fun to read "artistic" side of his playerhood.

Unlike copy/paste Mystery Method books all over the place, he actually had interesting points, especially about sex. Made me remember some
things I did well in the past and got me back on track. In bed, you are the one calling the shots, so if you wanna fill the bitches mouth with cum
you don't ask, you just do it!

He has great viewpoint on male/female interaction and why you shouldn't be submissive in relationship, and why you need to be dominant all the
time. He is a bit into BDSM, so that ain't for everyone's stomach, but he's straight about his book, it's not for everyone.

Some of his viewpoints are gloomy and depressing on the social side, BUT since he's black man in US, it's kinda dark enviorment, so I guess that
type of mindset is proper for that social environment. But the biggest idea behind the book is:

Bitches ain't shit!