Friday, January 15, 2010

Updating trough January... part 2

(Important note: I am not from USA and wasn't aware of many negative feelings that would come from using the "N" word in this post. It wasn't meant to insult anyone or provoke any negative feelings or racial discrimination, peace)

Loads of days passed and I wasn't typing anything. I have a bit rough period, I mean stressful and full of stuff happening and it keeps me tired a lot, but loads of fun thing are happening.

First of all, the MILF I was writing about in last couple of reports is fucked. Made her fuck buddy and for the first time did something exactly as I wanted. I always had troubles with keeping emotional relationship separated from sexual. This time I did it flawlessly. Told her that we're there for banging each other, but we can't be in relationship.. And that I am there for her.

I am following advice from one nigger about complimenting chicks and seems like a really good thing. Gives that positive vibe to chick that corrects for not giving her attention that she wants and she comes craving for more compliments and more cock and sperm. Also thanks to that nigger for pin point me out the location of gspot.

Beside that I had emotional roller coaster with my girlfriend. It was power fight. It was stupid of me to threat her in the old mindset way. Being kind and all. She totally misunderstood some things and I freaked out on myself, for not leading our interaction in the proper way. She was playing hard to get and I dumped her and was ignoring her, but inside I was furious from vanity, because she wasn't chasing me when I broke up, which eventually she did, like any other bitch would, but that was my own game that was played inside of my head. She was the one to initiate the conversation between us again, after a couple of days... I admire her in a way. Than I met with her and talked with everything that was bothering me.

And explained her all the things that bug me about her. When I mentioned she being overweight and me having an issue with it, she was crushed and started crying. She has gorgeous face, but the quality of sex is affected because of that. She is very bonded to me, I practicly took her virginity. I am affected by her, but I believe I am in control of my emotions she senses that I am stronger than her in that and I think that is what keeps her attracted above everything else (and fucking her brains out). I made a list of things that I want changed and told her take it or leave it. List of things I told her she needs to respect if she wants to be with me, take it or leave it. Some of the things she needs to respect are: 1. I am heavy as a person, that won't change. 2. You are mine. 3. If I don't want to tell you something, do not insist on it. And told her she has some time to think it trough. She agreed instantly. Fat nigga was talking about chaning the chubby into something good. I believe I would chode out if I don't try at least, I know I can influence her that much. She's 19... Now I have 2 chicks begging me to fuck them and chasing me for that and I am satisfied with that for this moment. It takes off a lot of pressure from me and doesn't push me into approaching and breaching the comfort zone consistently. I will do 1 approach a day, just to keep an edge. But seems I got approaching integrated in me, I started doing it automatically, and it seems really good...

Sex with the MILF is fucking fantastic! She has super tight sexy body that loads of girls of my age can dream off. She likes being dominated by me. Likes it when I spray her all over her face and is cumming like crazy. In average I fuck her around hour and a half and during that time she orgasms more than 10 times... I am great full to myself for going to gym for past year! Sex is waaaaaay different when you are in shape. Being in good shape is a must for anyone who wants to bang a lot of chicks. I dirty talk her like hell... "Who's pussy is this?!! Who's pussy is this?" She replies with: "It's yours!" I get my dick hard just when I think of her, let alone when she's near. She is hooked on my cock how I've never seen before. I am getting attention and I am in control. When I was in relationship it was always like that, game didn't change much. I am sure that this skillset is not proper for all people and that not all can learn it... I believe I have spot for 1 more chick in my rotation. I am one step closer to achieving my dream, some sort of sexual independence from pussy, but beside that I have other dreams that I need to fulfill...

New Year's Resolution that is quite big needs to be fulfilled...