Sunday, January 24, 2010

Updating trough January... part 3

I can't bother writing field reports lately... I am not approaching in a way I used to... Maybe I am loosing out on my skillset, but I am at point where I get enough pussy and a feeling that more will come with the vibe that I am currently having...

Investing my time in social circle in my girlfriend and my newly acquired fuck buddy. I am feeling totally satisfied for the time being on this issue.

It was funny how I was vibing tonight in front of my ex... It is funny how chicks can act totally chodely when you become a man. She got all emotional and attracted to me. I felt sorry for her... She doesn't have much choice lately and at this point I am the one who is doing the choosing and having a freedom of choice.

Since I got my foundation handled in the near future I am about to get control and rythm with my current ho'es. I believe I am doing nicely. At some point when new pussy comes around I will check out what she has to offer, in the meanwhile there are plenty of things that I can work on... Handling other areas of my life will improve my game. Need to see the dentist and check out about my teeth and get permanent bracelet.

I will hit the gym more often and study harder in order to get my university into the rythm... Need to get back on my path.

I believe I handled the MILF perfectly, told her that I have gf and she's totally fine with that. From my point of view it seems she doesn't have much choice. I know I am on right path the moment she offered to buy me gloves for this cold weather... That was really cute of her, maybe she could get me some flowers as well, haha :)
What I like the most is that her pussy is obliterated in bed. The way I imposed control over her orgasm, she needs to beg for it and ask for permission before cumming. She gets the load all over the face without any problems, and best of all is that she likes it. I ask her "who's slut she is?" and she responds by yelling out my name...

The same way I am handling my girlfriend.

Only dilemma is should I get my old gf back as fuck buddy or avoid her. She's ex abuser of amphetamines and is medicated on antidepressive and I am not sure that I need the smell of her low self esteem. I am very fond of her as she used to be my first gf I ever had, back in the days when she was far better... It seems something died in her eyes, she doesn't have the energy in her eyes she used to have, something I used to fall in love with and I feel sorry for her... In a way she almost calls out my "captain save a ho" from somewhere deep withing... I tried it back than even, but it was in peril, I believe it is the same now...

I guess it's time waste and my time is far batter spent in some new pussy...