Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Field Report 30.11.2009. MILF's jewlery

Was sitting in a cafe, with some friends. There were 3 milf's with some jewelry on the table. 1 of them was selling it, two others were buying. Got there, asked them if they're selling and I need to buy some to my gf (which I actually might do).

So we start some convo about that jewelery. I number close the one which is selling thank politely and leave. All 3 of them were giving me advices on which one should I take and how should I choose, really warm and polite. That was the first approach for the night.

Had 3-4 solid approaches. Again no #closes, though went for it, whenever I sensed I could, guess it is still miss calibrated.

We were again approaching with "Do you wanna fuck me?"

The chick to whom I told this got really pissed, I busted her balls for that.

-bla bla bla (totally negative vibe, didn't hear the word she said)
"Hey sweety, don't be so negative, you are cute chick."
-"You are insanely good guy" (totally ironic)
"I know, thank you sweetie!"

She got so pissed, it was funny. Me and guys thought it was hilarious. Maybe she had a rough day. Poor girl. Some of my wings reactions were like, totally shocked, how can someone say something like that...

Seems like time to react in order to approach is getting way shorter, but not short enough in my opinion, still need 1 millisecond of decisiveness. When I approached with 100% belief sets hooked well. Gonna keep that in mind in order to improve. And beside that I need to start sensing buying temperature spikes in order to figure out when to #close.