Monday, December 14, 2009

Last weekend :)

Well first of all I have to say one important thing, I gave my last exam! Wasn't going sarging as usual, just went out, but no matter what I opened some sets.

I blew some sets hard time, I manage to surprise myself how I can make bullshit mistakes in sets that were going nice for the start. I can make an excuse and say that I was tired, but it doesn't matter. I hanged out with my friends to chill off for a bit. It was kinda cool to go out and not pressure yourself into pushing and yet you still pushed.

I opened kinda hard, grabed the chicks ass. I liked it. She started talking with me, saying something like, you can dance with me, but you can't touch me. I was like, wtf, you can't touch me, something like that.

Anyway she said something that I scared her girlfriend few weeks ago, so she won't come to the same club again, because of me. And I was like, WTF!? And completely choded out!
Why I fell into that frame, even if I did scare off her friend? That kinda shocked me to myself when I left the club and figured out.

She introduced me later on to her other girlfriends, but I was fucked there also...

Anyway bad night, but I don't feel bad about it. Figured out that I can still fall off my reality HARD! And than I was choding a lot after that. I find it funny as hell now, but at that momment, I just couldn't believe my level of reactiveness.

So now that my bachelors is almost done I will have loads of time to be in field. Year 2010 is seten up for my seduction and social skills!

I will post a list of things that will be my plan for next year...

Take care

Day2 Report Sunday

I got lazy with writing field reports. It's not that I am not gaming, but some reason, I can't write...

I had day 2 with the chick from last weekend and it was more or less cool. My game was tight as shit, but only thing I could do better was to instead MeVSshe to turn into "WE"!

Other than that, I had insane Eye Contact, awesome kino and went for kiss as soon as possible. She stayed. We were holding hands, but she seems to resists that going in for the kiss, though I know she wants it.

Was kissing her neck, was pretty cool and I felt that we connected on some level. Other than that I can't go into details, I believe it would be contraproductive. Just wanna keep the basics stored down here for the record.

Loved my game and thought it was perfect, now I know it could be better.

Between she just turned 18 and I have a gut feeling that she's a virgin.