Sunday, December 27, 2009

Love Game Winter Travels...

I had my share of fails and success in past couple of days. One of the reason I was traveling was this chick and I know exactly what went wrong, but it's cool, but it really obliterated my ego in a good way.

I was sarging for 3 days straight and opened shitloads of sets and learned from all of that a lot! Let's say I opened around 60-70 sets in past 3 days. Got some emails and just played along. Met lots of new people from community and learned quite a lot from some of them.

When stakes are high lessons learned are better! I never had more confidence in my life than this time.

It was hard to play aggressive game in environment that is not my home town, I am to preoccupied with trouble making guys, which in this case are a lot. So it kinda left me down, but made it all more fun, to play along in high stakes and opening mix sets in kinda hostile environment ;)

And now some well deserved music for my fellow players ;)