Dating tips for men and how to improve your sex life. EmotionFlow is a young adult with wast experience with different woman, trough out his life, he learned a lot by himself and sought advice from many different gurus out there and at the end he developed his own style of game and life he claimed as his by right.
Are you ready for the change?
So it's late night and I am spitting game advice in front of friends house. BAAAAAAAAAAM, something hits me from behind of my car. I am like WTF? And I see a car passing by in front of me. I instantly turn on the engine and start to chase the mother fucker who did it, without stopping. I was so eager to beat the crap out of him, and worse of all, at that momment I didn't know what happened to my baby (reffering to the automobile). And I chase and on the first traffic light I cut the car that hit me and go out.
I am furious and than I see this bitch. She freaked the fuck out when she saw me. I guess she could have pissed her pants. She's drunk... And I am dissapointed, I was expecting some dude for heavy bashin`...
Anyway I approach the car and hold my cell phone. And I am like, I ain't gonna call the cops, cause if they come, she's never gonna drive again. And in general I don't like cops, it's organic and it's mutual, between me and them... She says she wants to pay, I say okay, easier for me. Give me your id/drivers licence. And she ain't got ANY with herself. LoL it wouldn't be fun at all for her if I called her cops, drunk bitch, who made an accident, without ID and without drivers licence...!!!!... She gives me her phone number, but since she didn't have id, nor drivers licence, I decide to go to her place, so I know where she lives, so I know where can I come to collect my cash...
We come to her place, somehow, she drives like a freak, plus she's drunk... Somehow we reach her place and she invites us for coffee.... We talk there, exchange some info, but there couldn't be any chemistry, cause my friend is there... So I keep it cool... She makes us coffee and I start getting her lifestory... She has a boyfriend... Sorry for the dude...
So important part of the story is, that it isn't her car, it's her brothers instead.... So we chil a bit and make an agreement that we'll meet for a coffee, so we arrange, when she's gonna give me cash back. Estimated damage is around 200$ and since I have insurance for the car, they are gonna cover it (in Serbia insurance is not usual thing - so I am gonna charge her and insurance). She kept calling me each day after that, to remind me that she's gonna give me my cash back.
We meet, sit in the park and in the middle of her blabbering I say: "Are we gonna kiss now or what?" - She's like I don't know, but it's to late, my tongue is already down her throat... And she like it.... So we chill and talk and cudlle and talk some more, and she's looseing it. I felt like a fucking vampire, I got a hold on this.... Her judgment is getting clouded, while I remain calm and chilled...
At some point later, I bust her nut over her pants.... And I do it, just the way it should be. From meeting me, till having crazy ass orgasm, it elapsed less than hour and a half. I could lead that bitch home that very date, but stability of the team comes first and I had other arrangments... So I pass that sex for that day and ...
...and next day, things happend spontanously... I called her, asked her if she's gonna drop by to my place, she acepts. Pick her up get to my crib and after playing with cat, I fuck the shit out of her... She didn't want to blow me, so I didn't allow her to cum.
This was interesting thing, but I still need to get my money back.
She ain't got enough material for the team, this will rather be, one time thing....
My eyelids are popping down, I will finish the story tommmwp
Need to update, I fell asleep last night. She doesn't meet the criteria to become a team member, so I played it smooth all the way. I was very very unhappy, that she didn't want to blow me. I mean what the fuck, that's not submissive at all.
She wanted to go on top, but I haven't let her and forced her to stay down, while fucking the shit out of her. I guess she was kinda confused.
Now question for Supremo about mindfucking. How can I mind fuck, when bitches can't hear a thing when I fuck them. They completely loose it and can't understand a word I am saying... I just stoped couple of times to prevent her from cumming, she already had her share to fast day before that, when we went out on a date... Made her watch me in the eyes and asked her a question couple of times, but nowhere near close my usual mindfucking.
She ain't that pretty, tough she is decently handsome (but ain't better than my milf). Plus I believe she ain't submissive enough and I don't want to waste too much energy on breaking down the bitch that ain't worth it. So she sensed that and constantly asked questions, am I gonna leave her, is this one time only? And shit like that. How she knew, I got no idea... But I kept it smooth and pretended that I am symp and gave her a ride home, so I don't need to spend the night with her.... I get further details of her life story... And sad life story it is. Quite a cliche for my country.... Heard quite a lot of different stories... And this one would give you the creeps...
Hope you enjoyed the report, I sure want to follow up with new one night stands
Lately I completely went off the line with myself. Spending way too much time in front of computer, stopped working out and devoted myself to work and generally betrayed myself with crappy behavior... When shit like that happens, your game goes down. Period.
Tough I kept shitloads of my fake confidence and became blind to things that are happening around me, instead of being a wolf in the sheep skin...
So I got a date with some fancy dressed chick and I fucked it up. Getting her life story was easy part, because she was talking shitloads, but instead of listening... I was preocuppied with my ego and how I got good pussy instead of trying to figure her out... We made out right off the bat and there was great intimacy between us. I knew when energy fell down and I failed at selling the dream. Seems like that the best teacher is experience, and I could have tons of it for the past 2 months, but I've decided to stare at this ugly monitor....
The problem was when I didn't want to pay for the other drink (I paid for the first one). Issue is not that I didn't want to pay the drink, it's that I didn't play it off with words the way I should as a player....
At least I got back into the game, because past 2 months I didn't move my ass from this stupid computer.
Need to get back on track, since at the momment I am down on one bitch, instead of having three...
Need to regain my motivation somehow to wordly things instead of blabbing about internet marketing 90% of the time.
When we separated, I told her to wake me up tommorow, she said cool and confirmed the time. Than couple of hours later... This message is the reason why I am writing this post:
"Since probably when I start to work tommorow, I will forget to wake you up, so tune your alarm. And I don't want you to put your hopes up, I am not gonna fake you around. I didn't like some things that are important to me, and beside all of that you are younger, sorry."
(sorry for loose translation, it's kinda hard) I replied:
"I think you misjudged me and you're not giving us opportunity to meet better... If you feel that's for the best, okay. If you feel differently, we'll hear from each other. Sweet dreams"
Lately I spend a lot of time in front of computer. I am starting my own business so I didn't devote myself to the game like I used to... But seems that all the past effort have left a permanent mark on me and my energy.
I am aspiring to become a Dom, but that doesn't mean that I am giivng up on my hunting.
It was in caffee she was sitting with her company and I was with mine. We were looking at each other, she made sure I checked every part of her body. Not bad, she invests in herself.
I leave for the bathroom, guess who follows... My first sentence was asking her # ... I got it. But there is tension, I can feel it in the air, I embrace it and start to move slowly toward her and she says: "Not yet". I am mad at myself, because I didn't finish it, but... It felt right and it wouldn't be my first time to kiss the girl, the moment I meet her, without almost any words...
I am constantly in the flirt, but ain't pursuing chicks... I ain't chasin`, oh no... My time now is really valuable... Scarce... I text her while we seat on separate tables and tell her to make some time for me tonight. She is leaving and says "Aufidersen", good bye on German, kinda rare to hear that...
Than she replies to my text, saying that she can't come tonight...
Than I mindfucked myself, because I became greedy on new pussy. I am literally fucking every day, a couple of times. My bitches show respect, but my ego is playing small games with me as usual... Guess I will have to get used to that, but I am gonna push limits day by day... Growth... You will always mind fuck yourself, until you completely libarate yourself from bullshit that society serves us and programs us... It's a long process...
I made loads of rules and terms for them to obey and I am not bending them a single notch. They are talking to me in plural* *explanation - we use plural when adressing single person, when he is of great importance or an elder. Don't know if you have something like that on English... But it's such a turn on, when someone who's 18 years older than you, speaks to you, like to it's superior, well it's actually true, just need to get used to it and start breathing like a fucking Dom, because that is what I am, and not remain shocked about it.
Ego is my worst enemy. I am bending it to my own will. I guess tons of people don't even recognize when their ego is fucking with them. And when society rules are clouding our judgment and our streghts.
I am womitting on the sight of faggotry and pussyfication of todays men. I see game everywhere, and most of the time I am laughing. Becoming a player comes with it's price. You are in relationships, but somewhere down there in your heart, you know you are by yourself. And there is emotional side of me that wants security, but that is kinda bullshit when you look at it on rational perspective.
True man doesn't need security in a woman, he needs pussy, he provides his own security. I believe that, when I become selfsustaining (e.g stop taking money from parents), my confidence will grow and so will my opportuinites and freedoms.
I just need to mention as well that I am really mad at myself, becuase I stopped going to the gym. I ain't gonna pay for the gym in the future also, but I am gonna make a mini workout place in my own house. Gonna invest into that, and gonna follow P90X program. Nutrition AND workouts...
Till next time... Stay true to the game, and game will stay true to you!
"You were looking for a way to change your life. You could not do this on your own. All the ways you wish you could be, that's me. I look like you want to look, I fuck like you want to fuck, I am smart, capable, and most importantly, I am free in all the ways that you are not."