I had my share of fails and success in past couple of days. One of the reason I was traveling was this chick and I know exactly what went wrong, but it's cool, but it really obliterated my ego in a good way.
I was sarging for 3 days straight and opened shitloads of sets and learned from all of that a lot! Let's say I opened around 60-70 sets in past 3 days. Got some emails and just played along. Met lots of new people from community and learned quite a lot from some of them.
When stakes are high lessons learned are better! I never had more confidence in my life than this time.
It was hard to play aggressive game in environment that is not my home town, I am to preoccupied with trouble making guys, which in this case are a lot. So it kinda left me down, but made it all more fun, to play along in high stakes and opening mix sets in kinda hostile environment ;)
And now some well deserved music for my fellow players ;)
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Just some weekend with friends...
I am not pushing myself into sarging, but I am like full time in mode to hit on. Friday night I went out with my GF and one of my friend. We went to some house party full of cougars. When I stumbled in the room half of those bitches started checking me out.
No matter my chick I still open some random chick 4-5 years older than me. We start fluff talking, she's so drunk and down to fuck. I am gaming her, but turned kino off. Introduced her to my friend. But she doesn't bite it, sticks with me. Damn, wanted to put it somehow that I am here with my gf, plus I didn't like her that much, but it could be free pussy that night, if i was by myself. My gf comes and I introduce two of them, which was kinda funny, because she brought me to that party, lol. She figures the situation straight away and our conversation stops immediately after that. That was so fucking funny.
And Saturday night, went to my friends place. 4 of us, 2 chicks and 2 of us. I figured out that when I don't feel the need to hit on every chick that is in my surrounding area I feel way better, especially if I am not that attracted to them. The blonde one starts calling me fag and I was like: "What, you need blowjob lessons?"
One of those two has insanely good looking strong legs, she's a bit chubby, but those legs look god damn healthy and bangable. Anyway I figure out she's a really close friend of my friend and just shoot the shit without intention of escalating. We talk some and since my friend and I are famous for womanizing, we talk about relationships.
And at one point I say that I flirt all the time. She gets confused expression on her face and I push her leg and say: "Don't get your hopes up!" She gets giggling right of the bat.
The thing I like is that some things are changed internally and I feel like it's congruent with me, most of the things I say. My personal progression is on the level I want it to be.
Damn this pressure from final exam, can't go out freely. :/
No matter my chick I still open some random chick 4-5 years older than me. We start fluff talking, she's so drunk and down to fuck. I am gaming her, but turned kino off. Introduced her to my friend. But she doesn't bite it, sticks with me. Damn, wanted to put it somehow that I am here with my gf, plus I didn't like her that much, but it could be free pussy that night, if i was by myself. My gf comes and I introduce two of them, which was kinda funny, because she brought me to that party, lol. She figures the situation straight away and our conversation stops immediately after that. That was so fucking funny.
And Saturday night, went to my friends place. 4 of us, 2 chicks and 2 of us. I figured out that when I don't feel the need to hit on every chick that is in my surrounding area I feel way better, especially if I am not that attracted to them. The blonde one starts calling me fag and I was like: "What, you need blowjob lessons?"
One of those two has insanely good looking strong legs, she's a bit chubby, but those legs look god damn healthy and bangable. Anyway I figure out she's a really close friend of my friend and just shoot the shit without intention of escalating. We talk some and since my friend and I are famous for womanizing, we talk about relationships.
And at one point I say that I flirt all the time. She gets confused expression on her face and I push her leg and say: "Don't get your hopes up!" She gets giggling right of the bat.
The thing I like is that some things are changed internally and I feel like it's congruent with me, most of the things I say. My personal progression is on the level I want it to be.
Damn this pressure from final exam, can't go out freely. :/
Social Circle
Friday, December 18, 2009
Summ up of the year 2009
Well at this very moment I am very happy. Kinda summing up the year behind me. It's almost 8 months of me infield and had so many crazy adventures that changed and shook my core.
So many new beliefs obtained and worked trough, fears passed away, that even my close friends seem to notice it.
I've been hitting the gym for 10 months got crazy ass results, that I didn't knew were possible and looking bad ass now, which affects my confidence a lot (my health too). I started eating healthier, totally stooped consuming alcohol...
I've got a girlfriend and unlike before she ain't psycho or anything that I've encountered before, something I consider high value person. She may not look good physicly as I'd like her to be, but is a wonderful person, one of the best girls I've been with personality wise.
Had loads of day 2's, some makeouts, roller coaster of emotions with lots of various woman. Kissed more of them than last year, banged some old, will be banging some more of new before the year is over...
I obliterated my approach anxiety and made approaching my way of living. It is fun for me to do so and I love it. I've became mega flirty person who always gets some attention from woman.
I started living in my own flat living on my own and taking care of myself!
And on top of that all I am about to get my bachelors degree and opening myself new opportunities in my life!
When I remember how I had crappy life playing World of Warcraft 12 hours each day in front of my computer... Eaten apart and consumed by radiation from my monitor :)
I have gotten a lot of self confidence, which is backed up by reality. I never really had major problems with self confidence, but back than it was delusional and overambitious, now I have reality and my achievements to back me up.
I still have fears that tend to fuck me up. I still have doubts about me being able to get this done, but I endure! And I will prevail, no matter what happens. I will push myself trough even harder than I was before!
Because year 2010 is year where I will get it done! 365 days of glory and adventure AWAIT ME!
Inner Game,
Success Story
Monday, December 14, 2009
Last weekend :)
Well first of all I have to say one important thing, I gave my last exam! Wasn't going sarging as usual, just went out, but no matter what I opened some sets.
I blew some sets hard time, I manage to surprise myself how I can make bullshit mistakes in sets that were going nice for the start. I can make an excuse and say that I was tired, but it doesn't matter. I hanged out with my friends to chill off for a bit. It was kinda cool to go out and not pressure yourself into pushing and yet you still pushed.
I opened kinda hard, grabed the chicks ass. I liked it. She started talking with me, saying something like, you can dance with me, but you can't touch me. I was like, wtf, you can't touch me, something like that.
Anyway she said something that I scared her girlfriend few weeks ago, so she won't come to the same club again, because of me. And I was like, WTF!? And completely choded out!
Why I fell into that frame, even if I did scare off her friend? That kinda shocked me to myself when I left the club and figured out.
She introduced me later on to her other girlfriends, but I was fucked there also...
Anyway bad night, but I don't feel bad about it. Figured out that I can still fall off my reality HARD! And than I was choding a lot after that. I find it funny as hell now, but at that momment, I just couldn't believe my level of reactiveness.
So now that my bachelors is almost done I will have loads of time to be in field. Year 2010 is seten up for my seduction and social skills!
I will post a list of things that will be my plan for next year...
Take care
Day2 Report Sunday
I got lazy with writing field reports. It's not that I am not gaming, but some reason, I can't write...
I had day 2 with the chick from last weekend and it was more or less cool. My game was tight as shit, but only thing I could do better was to instead MeVSshe to turn into "WE"!
Other than that, I had insane Eye Contact, awesome kino and went for kiss as soon as possible. She stayed. We were holding hands, but she seems to resists that going in for the kiss, though I know she wants it.
Was kissing her neck, was pretty cool and I felt that we connected on some level. Other than that I can't go into details, I believe it would be contraproductive. Just wanna keep the basics stored down here for the record.
Loved my game and thought it was perfect, now I know it could be better.
Between she just turned 18 and I have a gut feeling that she's a virgin.
Social Dynamics
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sick video about male/female relationship
This is a bit gloom and down video, but gives interesting view on courtship between man and woman.
View on relationships
Field Report 05.12. Teenage show ;)
Well last night, was simply back to what it used to be before. Since I had rough week of street approaches I actually thought of not doing any that evening. And just started having fun with some friends, when I notice this chick looking at me.
I grab her just above elbow and hold her like that dominantly. Tell her, if you are already looking at me like that, we could as well meet each other. Release her and give her my hand. My name is EmotionFlow, pleased to meet you.
Immediately I eject. This used to happen to me before and I guess it's right thing to do. I get in back and ask her if she's not underage? (She's 17-18). She says, no. I laugh playfully and push her away from me. She grabs me reels me back and asks me: "What does it matter if I am underage or not?"
I put my hand just above her ass and whisper to her: "Well, if you are underage, I can't be dirty with you!" And grab her ass.
From that point on, everything flows. Massive attraction, but whole interaction is like lasting a couple of minutes. We start dirty danceing, I go in for the kiss, she rejects. I plow some more, but no go. She stays there, dancing with me, allowing me to grab her ass, kiss her neck and going down dirty on her, but that's it. I pick her number up, tell her I am gonna call her tomorrow. Seems like she was waiting for that only, and leaves straight ahead, before me. Like instantly. It was funny to me 
I text her immediately. Something like this:
"While you can still remember me, type down my number, so when you that THE EmotionFlow is calling you, you will be sure to pick up that phone. Dream in colors...
She doesn't reply to that. After that I hitted state and flow of game went of naturally from there for the rest of the evening. Had some email close, which I can follow. With some MILF, for change in another club. Had loads of funny interactions. It was totally cool.
Anyway, I called her up today. She didn't answer. Gives me a missed call, I call her back, we fluff talk pretty nicely and vibing. Finding commonalities, talking about some stuff. Told her to send me an sms with her Facebook info, which she did. Hours after the call, later on in the evening.
Than we started texting each other. And she's quite interesting. Fluff texting, boring stuff, than I ask her, if she's naughty all the time and skips school or she's naughty on weekends, she gives some insanely good response complimenting me hard, which leaves me frankly speechless. Cause she's 17-18 and flirts awesome. When did they learn to do it so fast ffs? 
Anyway I think it's solid. Not rushing anywhere with hooking up on day2, since I've got exam on Thursday, so after that I am gonna see, what's she about.
Great time and this feels good to be back.
Field report,
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Field Report 30.11.2009. MILF's jewlery
Was sitting in a cafe, with some friends. There were 3 milf's with some jewelry on the table. 1 of them was selling it, two others were buying. Got there, asked them if they're selling and I need to buy some to my gf (which I actually might do).
So we start some convo about that jewelery. I number close the one which is selling thank politely and leave. All 3 of them were giving me advices on which one should I take and how should I choose, really warm and polite. That was the first approach for the night.
Had 3-4 solid approaches. Again no #closes, though went for it, whenever I sensed I could, guess it is still miss calibrated.
We were again approaching with "Do you wanna fuck me?"
The chick to whom I told this got really pissed, I busted her balls for that.
-bla bla bla (totally negative vibe, didn't hear the word she said)
"Hey sweety, don't be so negative, you are cute chick."
-"You are insanely good guy" (totally ironic)
"I know, thank you sweetie!"
She got so pissed, it was funny. Me and guys thought it was hilarious. Maybe she had a rough day. Poor girl. Some of my wings reactions were like, totally shocked, how can someone say something like that...
Seems like time to react in order to approach is getting way shorter, but not short enough in my opinion, still need 1 millisecond of decisiveness. When I approached with 100% belief sets hooked well. Gonna keep that in mind in order to improve. And beside that I need to start sensing buying temperature spikes in order to figure out when to #close.
Field report,
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