I had my share of fails and success in past couple of days. One of the reason I was traveling was this chick and I know exactly what went wrong, but it's cool, but it really obliterated my ego in a good way.
I was sarging for 3 days straight and opened shitloads of sets and learned from all of that a lot! Let's say I opened around 60-70 sets in past 3 days. Got some emails and just played along. Met lots of new people from community and learned quite a lot from some of them.
When stakes are high lessons learned are better! I never had more confidence in my life than this time.
It was hard to play aggressive game in environment that is not my home town, I am to preoccupied with trouble making guys, which in this case are a lot. So it kinda left me down, but made it all more fun, to play along in high stakes and opening mix sets in kinda hostile environment ;)
And now some well deserved music for my fellow players ;)
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Just some weekend with friends...
I am not pushing myself into sarging, but I am like full time in mode to hit on. Friday night I went out with my GF and one of my friend. We went to some house party full of cougars. When I stumbled in the room half of those bitches started checking me out.
No matter my chick I still open some random chick 4-5 years older than me. We start fluff talking, she's so drunk and down to fuck. I am gaming her, but turned kino off. Introduced her to my friend. But she doesn't bite it, sticks with me. Damn, wanted to put it somehow that I am here with my gf, plus I didn't like her that much, but it could be free pussy that night, if i was by myself. My gf comes and I introduce two of them, which was kinda funny, because she brought me to that party, lol. She figures the situation straight away and our conversation stops immediately after that. That was so fucking funny.
And Saturday night, went to my friends place. 4 of us, 2 chicks and 2 of us. I figured out that when I don't feel the need to hit on every chick that is in my surrounding area I feel way better, especially if I am not that attracted to them. The blonde one starts calling me fag and I was like: "What, you need blowjob lessons?"
One of those two has insanely good looking strong legs, she's a bit chubby, but those legs look god damn healthy and bangable. Anyway I figure out she's a really close friend of my friend and just shoot the shit without intention of escalating. We talk some and since my friend and I are famous for womanizing, we talk about relationships.
And at one point I say that I flirt all the time. She gets confused expression on her face and I push her leg and say: "Don't get your hopes up!" She gets giggling right of the bat.
The thing I like is that some things are changed internally and I feel like it's congruent with me, most of the things I say. My personal progression is on the level I want it to be.
Damn this pressure from final exam, can't go out freely. :/
No matter my chick I still open some random chick 4-5 years older than me. We start fluff talking, she's so drunk and down to fuck. I am gaming her, but turned kino off. Introduced her to my friend. But she doesn't bite it, sticks with me. Damn, wanted to put it somehow that I am here with my gf, plus I didn't like her that much, but it could be free pussy that night, if i was by myself. My gf comes and I introduce two of them, which was kinda funny, because she brought me to that party, lol. She figures the situation straight away and our conversation stops immediately after that. That was so fucking funny.
And Saturday night, went to my friends place. 4 of us, 2 chicks and 2 of us. I figured out that when I don't feel the need to hit on every chick that is in my surrounding area I feel way better, especially if I am not that attracted to them. The blonde one starts calling me fag and I was like: "What, you need blowjob lessons?"
One of those two has insanely good looking strong legs, she's a bit chubby, but those legs look god damn healthy and bangable. Anyway I figure out she's a really close friend of my friend and just shoot the shit without intention of escalating. We talk some and since my friend and I are famous for womanizing, we talk about relationships.
And at one point I say that I flirt all the time. She gets confused expression on her face and I push her leg and say: "Don't get your hopes up!" She gets giggling right of the bat.
The thing I like is that some things are changed internally and I feel like it's congruent with me, most of the things I say. My personal progression is on the level I want it to be.
Damn this pressure from final exam, can't go out freely. :/
Social Circle
Friday, December 18, 2009
Summ up of the year 2009
Well at this very moment I am very happy. Kinda summing up the year behind me. It's almost 8 months of me infield and had so many crazy adventures that changed and shook my core.
So many new beliefs obtained and worked trough, fears passed away, that even my close friends seem to notice it.
I've been hitting the gym for 10 months got crazy ass results, that I didn't knew were possible and looking bad ass now, which affects my confidence a lot (my health too). I started eating healthier, totally stooped consuming alcohol...
I've got a girlfriend and unlike before she ain't psycho or anything that I've encountered before, something I consider high value person. She may not look good physicly as I'd like her to be, but is a wonderful person, one of the best girls I've been with personality wise.
Had loads of day 2's, some makeouts, roller coaster of emotions with lots of various woman. Kissed more of them than last year, banged some old, will be banging some more of new before the year is over...
I obliterated my approach anxiety and made approaching my way of living. It is fun for me to do so and I love it. I've became mega flirty person who always gets some attention from woman.
I started living in my own flat living on my own and taking care of myself!
And on top of that all I am about to get my bachelors degree and opening myself new opportunities in my life!
When I remember how I had crappy life playing World of Warcraft 12 hours each day in front of my computer... Eaten apart and consumed by radiation from my monitor :)
I have gotten a lot of self confidence, which is backed up by reality. I never really had major problems with self confidence, but back than it was delusional and overambitious, now I have reality and my achievements to back me up.
I still have fears that tend to fuck me up. I still have doubts about me being able to get this done, but I endure! And I will prevail, no matter what happens. I will push myself trough even harder than I was before!
Because year 2010 is year where I will get it done! 365 days of glory and adventure AWAIT ME!
Inner Game,
Success Story
Monday, December 14, 2009
Last weekend :)
Well first of all I have to say one important thing, I gave my last exam! Wasn't going sarging as usual, just went out, but no matter what I opened some sets.
I blew some sets hard time, I manage to surprise myself how I can make bullshit mistakes in sets that were going nice for the start. I can make an excuse and say that I was tired, but it doesn't matter. I hanged out with my friends to chill off for a bit. It was kinda cool to go out and not pressure yourself into pushing and yet you still pushed.
I opened kinda hard, grabed the chicks ass. I liked it. She started talking with me, saying something like, you can dance with me, but you can't touch me. I was like, wtf, you can't touch me, something like that.
Anyway she said something that I scared her girlfriend few weeks ago, so she won't come to the same club again, because of me. And I was like, WTF!? And completely choded out!
Why I fell into that frame, even if I did scare off her friend? That kinda shocked me to myself when I left the club and figured out.
She introduced me later on to her other girlfriends, but I was fucked there also...
Anyway bad night, but I don't feel bad about it. Figured out that I can still fall off my reality HARD! And than I was choding a lot after that. I find it funny as hell now, but at that momment, I just couldn't believe my level of reactiveness.
So now that my bachelors is almost done I will have loads of time to be in field. Year 2010 is seten up for my seduction and social skills!
I will post a list of things that will be my plan for next year...
Take care
Day2 Report Sunday
I got lazy with writing field reports. It's not that I am not gaming, but some reason, I can't write...
I had day 2 with the chick from last weekend and it was more or less cool. My game was tight as shit, but only thing I could do better was to instead MeVSshe to turn into "WE"!
Other than that, I had insane Eye Contact, awesome kino and went for kiss as soon as possible. She stayed. We were holding hands, but she seems to resists that going in for the kiss, though I know she wants it.
Was kissing her neck, was pretty cool and I felt that we connected on some level. Other than that I can't go into details, I believe it would be contraproductive. Just wanna keep the basics stored down here for the record.
Loved my game and thought it was perfect, now I know it could be better.
Between she just turned 18 and I have a gut feeling that she's a virgin.
Social Dynamics
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sick video about male/female relationship
This is a bit gloom and down video, but gives interesting view on courtship between man and woman.
View on relationships
Field Report 05.12. Teenage show ;)
Well last night, was simply back to what it used to be before. Since I had rough week of street approaches I actually thought of not doing any that evening. And just started having fun with some friends, when I notice this chick looking at me.
I grab her just above elbow and hold her like that dominantly. Tell her, if you are already looking at me like that, we could as well meet each other. Release her and give her my hand. My name is EmotionFlow, pleased to meet you.
Immediately I eject. This used to happen to me before and I guess it's right thing to do. I get in back and ask her if she's not underage? (She's 17-18). She says, no. I laugh playfully and push her away from me. She grabs me reels me back and asks me: "What does it matter if I am underage or not?"
I put my hand just above her ass and whisper to her: "Well, if you are underage, I can't be dirty with you!" And grab her ass.
From that point on, everything flows. Massive attraction, but whole interaction is like lasting a couple of minutes. We start dirty danceing, I go in for the kiss, she rejects. I plow some more, but no go. She stays there, dancing with me, allowing me to grab her ass, kiss her neck and going down dirty on her, but that's it. I pick her number up, tell her I am gonna call her tomorrow. Seems like she was waiting for that only, and leaves straight ahead, before me. Like instantly. It was funny to me 
I text her immediately. Something like this:
"While you can still remember me, type down my number, so when you that THE EmotionFlow is calling you, you will be sure to pick up that phone. Dream in colors...
She doesn't reply to that. After that I hitted state and flow of game went of naturally from there for the rest of the evening. Had some email close, which I can follow. With some MILF, for change in another club. Had loads of funny interactions. It was totally cool.
Anyway, I called her up today. She didn't answer. Gives me a missed call, I call her back, we fluff talk pretty nicely and vibing. Finding commonalities, talking about some stuff. Told her to send me an sms with her Facebook info, which she did. Hours after the call, later on in the evening.
Than we started texting each other. And she's quite interesting. Fluff texting, boring stuff, than I ask her, if she's naughty all the time and skips school or she's naughty on weekends, she gives some insanely good response complimenting me hard, which leaves me frankly speechless. Cause she's 17-18 and flirts awesome. When did they learn to do it so fast ffs? 
Anyway I think it's solid. Not rushing anywhere with hooking up on day2, since I've got exam on Thursday, so after that I am gonna see, what's she about.
Great time and this feels good to be back.
Field report,
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Field Report 30.11.2009. MILF's jewlery
Was sitting in a cafe, with some friends. There were 3 milf's with some jewelry on the table. 1 of them was selling it, two others were buying. Got there, asked them if they're selling and I need to buy some to my gf (which I actually might do).
So we start some convo about that jewelery. I number close the one which is selling thank politely and leave. All 3 of them were giving me advices on which one should I take and how should I choose, really warm and polite. That was the first approach for the night.
Had 3-4 solid approaches. Again no #closes, though went for it, whenever I sensed I could, guess it is still miss calibrated.
We were again approaching with "Do you wanna fuck me?"
The chick to whom I told this got really pissed, I busted her balls for that.
-bla bla bla (totally negative vibe, didn't hear the word she said)
"Hey sweety, don't be so negative, you are cute chick."
-"You are insanely good guy" (totally ironic)
"I know, thank you sweetie!"
She got so pissed, it was funny. Me and guys thought it was hilarious. Maybe she had a rough day. Poor girl. Some of my wings reactions were like, totally shocked, how can someone say something like that...
Seems like time to react in order to approach is getting way shorter, but not short enough in my opinion, still need 1 millisecond of decisiveness. When I approached with 100% belief sets hooked well. Gonna keep that in mind in order to improve. And beside that I need to start sensing buying temperature spikes in order to figure out when to #close.
Field report,
Monday, November 30, 2009
Field Report 29.11.2009. Do you wanna fuck me?
Unlike last night, this evening was challenge night with 2 of guys from community. We were doing all sorts of silly shit. Set by set... Laughing our asses of.
First set I opened was some blonde chick I asked her if she wants to fuck with me. Than we went to the city square couple of meters from there. In few minutes, her boyfriend approaches me shaking under adrenaline rush yelling to me: "What did you say to my girlfriend?" I wasn't sure who his girlfriend was, cold gazing into his eyes saying: "Nothing negative". Didn't even flinch, he was huge motherfucker, but still shaking his legs. He obviously was furious and needed to grab his balls to do this. He was kinda surprised with reaction, toned his voice and said something: "You insulted my girlfriend, apologize to her."
I gave her hand, and said sorry. She gave hand back, was funny as hell to me. Wondering now, why I jumped into his frame, but it didn't matter, because I could beat his chodley ass off. Actually I felt sorry for the guy in a way. He had a lot of issues approaching me and wasn't sure of anything. I remained totally calm, which surprised me. I didn't stand back, just long cool gaze into, like everything is under control. They left immediately.
After that it was approach fest. We were giving more and more challenges, one after another. It was jack shit to approach at this point and trough out the rest of the night. Loads of funny things happening, we ended with some free popcorn from some random chicks. I had a couple of good interactions, though I freaked the fuck out some group of chicks. I went in too much direct and I guess they thought I was some psycho or something, too much intent or something. I am 1.9 m tall and well built, was wearing long dark coat, so...
After the challenges ended, I actually approached some chicks asking them: "Do I intimidate you?" I guess it was state related, later on I was way more relaxed than before...
I felt like I am shit for past couple of days, but my wings are telling me that I am improving. Well one thing is certain, I am motherfucking approaching machine, fearless what so ever. Can crash into any set any given time. Though, now when I got that shit handled, I want to pay attention to some results. Didn't #close or kiss close in quite a while, which is totally demotivated me. But my wing kept my happy side, I guess he can see it better than I do.
I noticed that you can kino a lot right of the bat. There was quite some kino involved in some of the challenges, so it kinda struck me how close you can get.
I am kinda happy about this, there is large dose of consistent, and some new sticking points that I will handle.
Field report,
Inner Game,
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Field Report 28.11.2009. Part 2 Blow Out Night
And from that point on, everything went downhill. Maybe I had a good reaction or two, but it was about that. I was approaching like a motherfucker, but state couldn't come. High point of the night was when I opened this young girl around 18-19 years and got really close to her face and some vibing.
After that it was like: boom, boom, boom... Stepping into the minefield
There was this chick that was bored and sitting in the chill area, was busting her balls like a mofo, but no chemistry between us. Bantering her and it didn't went smooth.
One situation that I loved was when I approached some nice bitch and told her that I adore her in front of her 2 friends. Chode was just standing there confused and her girlfriend started laughing, but that was as I go, maybe should have stayed longer in that set. At one point I pulled one of the guys from community and we've set in the chill area talking.
I think that was the best interaction for the evening.
-"Hey girls, you can't sit there, it's taken!"
-"Oh sorry, we won't."
-"Nah, you're cute, you can sit!"
-"You are so RUDEE!"
-"What's that about rude guys, that you fall for?"
Than she starts kinoing, but I am on such a low energy level at this point. That it's horrible. They sat beside us, but I couldn't push myself into talking.
There was one set in front of the bathroom and I so choded out. Girl sitting by herself. Her's name is Maja, kinda got my own routine for that name, asked her if she knew what does her name mean on Arabic, she said river... Close, it's water, but anyway... There was also some cutie dressed well, who I complimenting like there's no tomorrow. At one point I say to myself rather than to her: "I am complimenting you too much"...
It was such a crowded night and full of guys all over the place. This was a complete turnover in comparison with last Saturday! Maybe I opened triple amount of sets, 10 or so. But I didn't take any interaction in any particular direction. I am fucking up with number closing I didn't even see any point at where I could successfuly kiss a girl.
It was fun in a way, to meet all the other guys from the community. Doctor, one of the guys was getting such blowouts, it was insane. I felt bad for him, how could he feel if I felt this shit about not getting it done.
I have doubts and seems like I have some blindspots, that need to be handled. Would love to have a mentor in all of this, but I don't know anyone experienced enough to even consider helping me in all of this.
One of the guys from community told me something about my rough night in next context. You had a bad night mate, it's cool, now compare it with your bad nights prior to the game, when you knew jackshit when you had bad night, it was bad night, and you couldn't know what went wrong...
Field Report 28.11.2009.
I was approaching like a motherfucker tonight. During the day I opened some chick in the gym, with something that was high risk, went well, fluffed a bit. To open in gym was a barrier, because I am there everyday and kinda don't want to fuck up my social proof there, which is true bullshit, because I really don't need to care what anyone else thinks of me, so I took a baby step toward liberation, there are other hot chicks that work out, why not approach them.
In the evening I met up with 8 guys from the community. I organized entire gathering, some people were missing, but it was cool. I was late, couldn't find a parking lot, barely did it. When I arrived they were chodeing around and talking about the game, some of em, met for the first time. I came in, introduced myself to the crew I didn't know and went opened some chick with: "I like your hat." Convo went from there, I wanted to pull her with us to the club, she politely rejected. I went in too fast again... Damn I seem not to take this seriously enough.
After that, guys went to the cafe and me and my friend went to approach sets on the street. For the rare ocassion I opened 2 set without anxiety. I Believe that was the best set of the evening, vibe and state wise. I opened my target with: "May I meet your friend, she seems really cute" While eyefucking her totally. I found out that my original target is not that good chick, so I swap to friend.
Anyway, eject again. I am starting to believe that I am approaching just for the approach itself, without intention to push trough. I guess that is my new comfort zone that I need to break.
Than entered the caffe and guys were chodeing around about M3 model, NLP, routines and outter game stuff. It was boring, but kinda people were getting to know each other and sharing their goals, sucsess and failures.
Than we went to the club. I opened some two barely legal chicks. It was on till one moment, me in her face and everything was cool and next momment I blew it, don't know why, just felt it.
After that I opened some chick, over my shoulder, she tells me to turn around (away from her), I tell her thanks for inviting me. Tried to plow, although it was blowout out from the start. She started mentioning her BF and that he's behind her and she was serious about it.
My eyes are collapsing, I am gonna finish this story as soon as I wake up.
Inner Game,
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Street Game Field Report, Married Woman Day
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Sunday, November 22, 2009
Field Report 21.11. Saturday Night Fever Part 2
So when my friend blows it up, we leave that club. We were supposed to meet some other "player" guys in some other club, but their cell phone went dead and we didn't want to pay entrance fee, when there are tons of free clubs around.
Anyway when I was saying hi to the brunette, squeezed her hand, she squeezed back, it kinda filled me, filled me with love, love of interaction with all of those nice chicks that I want to bang, love of them and love for them. They are such a beautiful creatures, reacting to the world around them and having a goal on this planet like everyone else, just other means of achieving it.
Since we get to the next club, it goes a bit downhill. It was insane how we dealt with bouncers. I was on telephone and my friend just pretended how we're supposed to be in and we've got in. I was like all super important on phone and not even paying attention to the guards and they've just let us in. It was smoking hot inside, filled up with chodes mainly, but there were fancy sluts as well
Met some friend of mine, picked her number up and we fluff talked for a while. Busted balls of her friend, while my wingman was approaching some set. I enter set and unfortunately his target is like all over me. It seems like he blew it off, but she was onto me. We fluff talk there for a while, but since these were ugly bitches, they didn't hold on my attention for too long. Dunno why he opened them in the first place, we're approaching sick sets, not some second grade chicks 
Anyway I try out to open with my bag. Asking chicks for the opinion if they think my handbag is gay, or super gay. I do it just for the fucking fun of it. Not getting the reaction I want to though :/
So we leave the club, on the way to the car I hear 2 bitches talking on english. I yell, hey girls, we are not prepared for that, we need to meet you first, before THAT! They turn around and start to gigle. We start fluff talking and all the time we speak English instead of our mother tongue. This is my field and I bust shit mercilessly vomiting words on them. I game uglier chick, while the other one gets attracted. My friend is not best with English, but we agree on going with them to some fucking 5th club of the night. On the way there I fuck up with the number close on the uglier one. I dunno why I even bothered asking her for the number, but I loose it. It was something about the weed, and I was like, let's smoke weed some day, and she went all like NO, NOOOO I am trying to quit! I was confused with that shit, how can such an ugly chick reject me for number, when I was pulling way better stuff with hotter chicks. Anyway after that we're at club entrance, start talking Serbian and we swap. I get on the other chick, hear her name kept calling her name and we flirt a lot, body language is cool and everything goes smooth until I tell her that she's silly.
She disslikes it, but it's something EVERY chick I ever got hooked up with loved. And it got me confused. I know she's reacting, but why not to that. And I was persistent, cause it's part of who I am to tell stuff like that. Need to detach myself from such things. Anyway I couldn't ask for the number, cause I already asked her friend for it, though she didn't hear it. My wing, wants to eject, it's time to go home and my time to see my girlfriend.
Anyway the way we hugged was something that will keep really dear memory for that night. It was completely something that made my night. I regret now that I gave a fuck about her friends opinion and she not giving me number. Anyway I am never gonna #close ugly bitches again not even for making a mentality of #closing, if I don't like the chick I won't call her anyway, so...
This was my step up. Nothing won in this evening's process, except I helped my wing properly get his chick down. Clubs become my playground. I see something that I didn't knew I was being capable of and had loads of fun in the process, like I hitted 2 blotters of acid :p
Anyway when I was saying hi to the brunette, squeezed her hand, she squeezed back, it kinda filled me, filled me with love, love of interaction with all of those nice chicks that I want to bang, love of them and love for them. They are such a beautiful creatures, reacting to the world around them and having a goal on this planet like everyone else, just other means of achieving it.
Since we get to the next club, it goes a bit downhill. It was insane how we dealt with bouncers. I was on telephone and my friend just pretended how we're supposed to be in and we've got in. I was like all super important on phone and not even paying attention to the guards and they've just let us in. It was smoking hot inside, filled up with chodes mainly, but there were fancy sluts as well
Anyway I try out to open with my bag. Asking chicks for the opinion if they think my handbag is gay, or super gay. I do it just for the fucking fun of it. Not getting the reaction I want to though :/
So we leave the club, on the way to the car I hear 2 bitches talking on english. I yell, hey girls, we are not prepared for that, we need to meet you first, before THAT! They turn around and start to gigle. We start fluff talking and all the time we speak English instead of our mother tongue. This is my field and I bust shit mercilessly vomiting words on them. I game uglier chick, while the other one gets attracted. My friend is not best with English, but we agree on going with them to some fucking 5th club of the night. On the way there I fuck up with the number close on the uglier one. I dunno why I even bothered asking her for the number, but I loose it. It was something about the weed, and I was like, let's smoke weed some day, and she went all like NO, NOOOO I am trying to quit! I was confused with that shit, how can such an ugly chick reject me for number, when I was pulling way better stuff with hotter chicks. Anyway after that we're at club entrance, start talking Serbian and we swap. I get on the other chick, hear her name kept calling her name and we flirt a lot, body language is cool and everything goes smooth until I tell her that she's silly.
She disslikes it, but it's something EVERY chick I ever got hooked up with loved. And it got me confused. I know she's reacting, but why not to that. And I was persistent, cause it's part of who I am to tell stuff like that. Need to detach myself from such things. Anyway I couldn't ask for the number, cause I already asked her friend for it, though she didn't hear it. My wing, wants to eject, it's time to go home and my time to see my girlfriend.
Anyway the way we hugged was something that will keep really dear memory for that night. It was completely something that made my night. I regret now that I gave a fuck about her friends opinion and she not giving me number. Anyway I am never gonna #close ugly bitches again not even for making a mentality of #closing, if I don't like the chick I won't call her anyway, so...
This was my step up. Nothing won in this evening's process, except I helped my wing properly get his chick down. Clubs become my playground. I see something that I didn't knew I was being capable of and had loads of fun in the process, like I hitted 2 blotters of acid :p
Field report,
Social Dynamics
Field Report 21.11. Saturday Night Fever Part 1
A friend picks me up and we go clubbing tonight. I wasn't thrilled because I wasn't dressed perfectly and on top of it all, I wasn't shaved. Going to clubs with beard FOR THE WIN xD
We go to some place around 23:00 and it's empty I approach some people that were there just for the sake of opening, we leave. As far as I remember we were constantly opening the sets on the streets asking for the directions to the club and for the fun of it.
We go to another place. It's around 23:20, it's also empty. Only 2 noticeable targets were 2 blondes. We approach, I can't even remember what we said. We start talking with them and somehow. I remember doing some standard kino push and pull on both chicks. One of them is wastly unreceptive, the younger one, which is huge. I noticed my friend kinoing her as well, and she was resisting it big time. She was as tall as me, like 190 cm, which was awesome to me. I tried to dig in for the number too soon, rejection, i was like what the fuck, my current judgment was telling me that it was okay. But since my friend was doing okay I was winging for him. In the blank time I was fucking around with chodes around us, looking for a boyfriend for her and playing fuck, marry, kill.
That routine is a kicker. And chodes entering the set as well! I was laughing my ass off, how the guys whom I introduced to her were so out of the zone of what they should do. It was so funny and I think that impressed her, although it was not my intention to do so.
There were some insane flirtations, while we were dancing. I liked something about her, but I think I overnegged her at some point.
He ejects with his girl and goes for makeout, they get back, do a makeout in front of us, and I try to pull it off as well, because my chick was all freaked out that they got together so quickly.
I grab her, reel in and say, well let's not make an exception out of you as well and go in for the kiss. And she gets freaked out in some strange sort of way, like she is excited as fuck that it might happen, but that's not something that she wants to allow to herself. Well that's at least how I fealt it.
My friend, number closes her friend and we leave. I am on after this point, I went in for the kiss in 20 minutes interaction, not something I would usually do. So literally after this I am on FIRE! We approach some more street sets, constantly keeping the interaction with the environment. I am literally glowing!
Constantly opening sets in front of clubs, getting into clubs without reservations, befriending boucners. We go to this second venue, which is full when we arrive. Some serious hot chicks working at the entrance start flirting with us, we bust their balls and enter down. Not comfortable gaming chicks that are working, dunno why.
I skip few sets, this is new area for me, never been in that club. Open some set and it doesn't hook, not some insane chicks, so I don't really care much. I find 2 BEST LOOKING GIRLS in the ENTIRE FUCKING CLUB! They are at the bar, and some 3 chodes in suits stand behind them drinking some fancy expensive drinks, trying to initiate some talk with them. I just move them away and go directly to blonde one.
"Hey my name is EF!" and that was it! We're hooked, my friend hooks her brunette friend and it's on. I literally see envy of the chode guys behind us, who leave right after a few momments. Sorry guys, but I've got batter chances than you unshaved, than you in the suits, haha
Anyway the blonde one is kinda reserved, she is totally cool to hang out with. Me and my friend swap for a moment and I introduce myself to the brunette. We fluff talk, and start talk about horoscope.
-Whats your sing?
-What's wrong?
-I can't hit on you now, you are same sign as my mother!
At this point she starts laughing as fuck, but starts qualifaying herself to me. Starts busting me that it's like incest than, something like that, but obviously attracted to me. So I see it's ON and it's fucking ON! So I go on like this:
-Ok, ok, I give you another chance. Whats your sub-sign (dunno how you translate this, but I hope you got the idea).
-Omg, get over here! (Reel her in and go on for the kiss)
She gets away, it's like 45 seconds of interaction. She moves her head and gives me a cheek. At this point I push her away from myself and we proceed like nothing. My friend pulls me and says we switch back, he doesn't know what exactly to do with a blonde, and I am like to him, but I am doing well here, and he's like no, you chose your target and I want to get back to mine. I am like, okay wtf, whatever...
We go to some place around 23:00 and it's empty I approach some people that were there just for the sake of opening, we leave. As far as I remember we were constantly opening the sets on the streets asking for the directions to the club and for the fun of it.
We go to another place. It's around 23:20, it's also empty. Only 2 noticeable targets were 2 blondes. We approach, I can't even remember what we said. We start talking with them and somehow. I remember doing some standard kino push and pull on both chicks. One of them is wastly unreceptive, the younger one, which is huge. I noticed my friend kinoing her as well, and she was resisting it big time. She was as tall as me, like 190 cm, which was awesome to me. I tried to dig in for the number too soon, rejection, i was like what the fuck, my current judgment was telling me that it was okay. But since my friend was doing okay I was winging for him. In the blank time I was fucking around with chodes around us, looking for a boyfriend for her and playing fuck, marry, kill.
That routine is a kicker. And chodes entering the set as well! I was laughing my ass off, how the guys whom I introduced to her were so out of the zone of what they should do. It was so funny and I think that impressed her, although it was not my intention to do so.
There were some insane flirtations, while we were dancing. I liked something about her, but I think I overnegged her at some point.
He ejects with his girl and goes for makeout, they get back, do a makeout in front of us, and I try to pull it off as well, because my chick was all freaked out that they got together so quickly.
I grab her, reel in and say, well let's not make an exception out of you as well and go in for the kiss. And she gets freaked out in some strange sort of way, like she is excited as fuck that it might happen, but that's not something that she wants to allow to herself. Well that's at least how I fealt it.
My friend, number closes her friend and we leave. I am on after this point, I went in for the kiss in 20 minutes interaction, not something I would usually do. So literally after this I am on FIRE! We approach some more street sets, constantly keeping the interaction with the environment. I am literally glowing!
Constantly opening sets in front of clubs, getting into clubs without reservations, befriending boucners. We go to this second venue, which is full when we arrive. Some serious hot chicks working at the entrance start flirting with us, we bust their balls and enter down. Not comfortable gaming chicks that are working, dunno why.
I skip few sets, this is new area for me, never been in that club. Open some set and it doesn't hook, not some insane chicks, so I don't really care much. I find 2 BEST LOOKING GIRLS in the ENTIRE FUCKING CLUB! They are at the bar, and some 3 chodes in suits stand behind them drinking some fancy expensive drinks, trying to initiate some talk with them. I just move them away and go directly to blonde one.
"Hey my name is EF!" and that was it! We're hooked, my friend hooks her brunette friend and it's on. I literally see envy of the chode guys behind us, who leave right after a few momments. Sorry guys, but I've got batter chances than you unshaved, than you in the suits, haha
Anyway the blonde one is kinda reserved, she is totally cool to hang out with. Me and my friend swap for a moment and I introduce myself to the brunette. We fluff talk, and start talk about horoscope.
-Whats your sing?
-What's wrong?
-I can't hit on you now, you are same sign as my mother!
At this point she starts laughing as fuck, but starts qualifaying herself to me. Starts busting me that it's like incest than, something like that, but obviously attracted to me. So I see it's ON and it's fucking ON! So I go on like this:
-Ok, ok, I give you another chance. Whats your sub-sign (dunno how you translate this, but I hope you got the idea).
-Omg, get over here! (Reel her in and go on for the kiss)
She gets away, it's like 45 seconds of interaction. She moves her head and gives me a cheek. At this point I push her away from myself and we proceed like nothing. My friend pulls me and says we switch back, he doesn't know what exactly to do with a blonde, and I am like to him, but I am doing well here, and he's like no, you chose your target and I want to get back to mine. I am like, okay wtf, whatever...
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Approaching to the new chapter of my life
I locked myself in the house for the few days until I finish this exam shit. Not going out anywhere until I settle this stuff. Passed one exam this month, 2 more to go. It will be most that I gave in one month.
After that I am supposed to go to masters degree. I believe this is going to fix my inner game a lot, after I accomplished something important like that, after all it's 4 year investment.
Some married chick that I was making out this summer and with whom I stayed in contact started acting all bratty today on fb, I told her to fuck off for that behavior. It's not about game, when you have some things that you don't tolerate. I feel quite happy about it. Before I would just get sick on it I guess. Lesson learned, no game modifying for married chicks. My consideration can get misinterpreted as chode behavior or whatever. I've let it go and feel happy about it.
Stumbled deep into Jeffy's book, practicely loving it. I was too into material late days that I forgot what my vision is and kinda got back to it.
Worked out in my house today, because I am not going to gym, in order to save time for more studying. I am motivated a lot and keep lots of pride in my push up's on hands only, with my back and legs on the wall. Something that separates me from the rest of the people who don't do shit for them selfs.
The end of university is quite near and I am happy about it. Some things are going to be different soon. There is a proposition from my father to go and work in Vienna. It's in really strong company I believe it's gonna be good experience for me.
This seems like my period when my life is getting in the place where it should be. I need surpass that and move above it and make the fucking myths and legends!
My gf is gonna drop by to my place tonight. Gonna fuck her brains out.
Next FR when I am done with my faculty.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Field Report 13.11. Eyes Wide Shut

Uf, glory day... I am exhausted!!!! Had loads of approaches and can't remember half so far. There was this one approach that I'am proud of! Anyway I am gonna state how all went, accurately as possible.
First I've got myself into talkative mood, again, just by saying random hello to chicks around me and I keep getting good responses and hello back. Than I went and asked some chick if she can tell me and my friend where can we eat? She was really polite. We take a walk and approach city square.
I find a glory chick, go hard and go direct, that is like first approach. I keep plowing, she tells me her name, and she's like "I am waiting for my friend". It's quite akward when you go in hard during street game (it was evening, so I can't say it's practicely day game).
The chick gets embarrassed and tells me she has a boyfriend, I reply: "But I am not interested in your boyfriend..." I couldn't handle the pressure after this point and therefore I eject. Somehow I fall into their emotion of uncomfort or it's vice versa, I don't know. Anyway I got into reaction. It's somehow funny, you are there in the moment and recognize the symptoms of what you are doing wrong. She was constantly smiling though and I felt fine because of that.
I get back to my friend, we sit near by. We talk about him doing his first approach, and he's stuck. I like the kiddo, he's super cool, but has problems with AA, his game is fine in social circle, but on streets he gets totally confused. Anyway I tell him it's easy and open up with total random bullshit the first chick that was near us. "Hey hey, we need your opinion, we're having a discussion here... Who lies more, man or woman?" The chick replies... Execution was perfect, I could stack on from there and kept talking, but it wasn't the point in that particular moment.
We see this incredible blonde, from a far she looks like a 9. I am petrified in a way. Trying to push my friend into doing it, he doesn't want to. Fuck it, she's cool. I go in and I go in hard and keep 3 things in mind:
1. I don't fucking care what everyone thinks of me.
2. My game is fucking 10.
3. All the chicks are into me.
And I approach her directly.
"Hey I find you interesting, want to get to know you better. My name is EF."
She gives me her hand, but doesn't give me her name. She kinda gets frightened, and this is where I surprised myself! I step back and put my palms up front, like totally non aggressive. Like courtship between animals. This keeps me in game. She starts smiling. We start talking. I start busting her balls. I tell her she's shy, she says, that she's not used to meeting people on the street. At this point I figure out that she's made up for tonight, otherwise she would be 8. I tell her something about hair, complimenting her, and wonder how come other guys don't approach her, something like that and accusing her that she's seductress. I went in for the number too soon and asked her 2 more times for her name.
Damn, dunno why I did that mistake. It's not a first time that a chick doesn't tell me her name and I dealt with it in the past by giving them names I want and immediatly from there goes into role play, dunno why I fucked it up this time, doesn't matter. I keep strong eye contact and I can sense attraction spiking. She starts asking me questions.
"How old are you?"
"What do you study?"
And those other bullshit chodes would ask chicks.
I bust her balls, tell her she's maybe infected with swine flue and push her away from me, she giggles there.
During the entire convo, my hands are shaking a bit. I am having huge adrenaline rush, but kept it under control, feeling was insane. That feeling itself, created insane vibe. Got me under the influence of the whole thing. We talk something and she figures out that I am with my friend. And than I tell her that I can't leave him for too long, I felt stupid for leaving my friend too long alone, but it was mind fuck, stupid excuse, justified in my head, should have kept plowing. Stayed in set sooo long... I believe I was at hook point.
She asks me what's my zodiac, I tell her my zodiac, ask her hers, she tells me she's <3rd> and than I bust her that she's dangerous. She asks why, i respond, that her sign is great in bed, she starts giggling...
So in the end I got where she's university, how old she is and her zodiac sign, but still no name, nor phone number! I was too aggressive at start, where I was supposed to build attraction and cool off the harsh get in. I believe it's more suitable for clubs, rather than for streets.
At the end I kiss her in the cheek, she doesn't get away. I was inviding her personal space after 4-5 minutes of conversation. After that I am just glowing and walking on pure adrenaline.
Than some random shit on streets, nothing serious.
After all of that street gaming I get on some private party. Instantly I hook up on some 3 set. Get there initial attention and we shoot some pictures. It was maskenball and I was one of the rare ones not in the costume, I wasn't planning to go there anyway. I bust some balls in that set and at one point I start loosing things to say. I sensed some vibe between me and tenis girl (her costume). Girls give me the roll of her manager. Than it's totally off when I leave my jacket and I don't get back into the set.
From this point everything goes down. My energy level gets insanely low and I am still tired. I was busting some balls of the other people on the party. Few crappy blow outs. There was one chick dressed up as a guy, I tell her I would never figure out she is a girl. We vibe a bit, than she gets cocky, and asks me why am I not talking to other chicks and says she's hitting them all the time. She assumes I am gay and I acknowledge it and start touching her. She freaks out and stands away from me and leaves. Brings in some chode and chode starts talking to me, she says I am gay. I start touching the guy, guy gets weirded out, she gets turned on. I chat a bit with a chode. He tries to amog me, I just laugh unreactivly. It's somewhat silly I don't take it personally, assume he had too much to drink, he's dressed into football player. After that I see the chick checking me out a couple of times.
And when I am about to leave I go and say hi to tennis girl, she's really sad that I am going, that moves up my state (still Dependant on external validation) and say hi to "school teacher", who is actually a friend from high school. I bust her balls for the costume, she loves the way I kino-ed her straigh away for lower back, I think it kinda turned her on, she got super sexy in her voice. Looks way better than she usualy does.
Anyway now that I am rewinding the party I don't know why I left, but for some sillry reoson I couldn't push myself anymore out of my comfort zone. Chicks were receptive, but I was off.
One of those great days, where I pushed myself pretty hard. Proud of myself, a lot.
Field report,
Inner Game,
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Just a regular day... NOT! :)
So I got really inspired by Jeffy-s new book, even though I didn't read it trough and trough, it just pushed me to approach like a mofo!
And I took a big step out of my comfort zone. I approached a chick, that is intimidating me. She's goth chick, but that kind, turns me on for some reason
So I approach her go direct, just say my name, and the response is chilled. I say some stupid reason for approaching her, and she tells me her name. Think she was kinda flattered, but not interested. We started fluff talking about some books that she was looking, that were sold on the street... I was way out of my comfort zone here, but I tried to bust her balls. I ejected, went to the gym, couldn't handle the pressure and at the end she was the one to tell, was nice meeting you....
I sense how much uncalibrated I am regarding the cold approach and tons of those mind fucks that you have and that inner convo, was really low this time, so I sense progress from there.
After that, during this day I had lots of approaches. Like somebody pushed me into it. Ball busting chicks in some random conversations. Now that I am back to where I was, I know it's the right time to step the game up and go for kiss closes and numbers.
Still the guideline is Tyler and his "I don't give a fuck about what anyone else thinks of me, it's their problem"...
Someone else will deal with it, I am just gonna be myself, sexual being and assertive...
Confidence will go up during the process.
This wasn't planned, all of these approaches happened during my regular day activities. And that's what makes me kinda happy. I wasn't going to sarge or planed to approach, I just did it.
There's still loads to go, but some first steps need to be taken.
On my way back home I started ball busting some random chick, nothing special, so I didn't want to take the convo any further. But it was pro, made me feel like a king.
I had approximately 3 decent approaches and couple of crappy ones. Which is impressive for me in 1 day.
Well, since my skill level is not high enough, I will need to satisfy with fucking my girlfriend tonight, no new pussy until I start stepping the fuck up properly.
And I took a big step out of my comfort zone. I approached a chick, that is intimidating me. She's goth chick, but that kind, turns me on for some reason
I sense how much uncalibrated I am regarding the cold approach and tons of those mind fucks that you have and that inner convo, was really low this time, so I sense progress from there.
After that, during this day I had lots of approaches. Like somebody pushed me into it. Ball busting chicks in some random conversations. Now that I am back to where I was, I know it's the right time to step the game up and go for kiss closes and numbers.
Still the guideline is Tyler and his "I don't give a fuck about what anyone else thinks of me, it's their problem"...
Someone else will deal with it, I am just gonna be myself, sexual being and assertive...
Confidence will go up during the process.
This wasn't planned, all of these approaches happened during my regular day activities. And that's what makes me kinda happy. I wasn't going to sarge or planed to approach, I just did it.
There's still loads to go, but some first steps need to be taken.
On my way back home I started ball busting some random chick, nothing special, so I didn't want to take the convo any further. But it was pro, made me feel like a king.
I had approximately 3 decent approaches and couple of crappy ones. Which is impressive for me in 1 day.
Well, since my skill level is not high enough, I will need to satisfy with fucking my girlfriend tonight, no new pussy until I start stepping the fuck up properly.
Field report,
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Adding value to the community!
I wanna share this book with you! Whoever wants a copy of this genuine book, should leave a comment on this post or send me an email to emotionflow13@gmail.com
It's a collection of field reports from famous Jeffy.
I will update this post when I read this book entirely but I am 100% sure that it's worth reading! I know it's gonna become a classic, like "The Game" or "The Mystery Method"!
Keep tuned for more value ;)
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Field Report 07.11.2009.
Somehow I am getting back into the game bit by bit... And my confidence starts to grow. Last couple of days I just started off with saying random "hello" to chicks that pass me by. I wasn't pushing it anywhere, but got positive response I think, because of good tonality. And than it struck me tonight. I entered the club, which was half empty and my friends weren't there. Grabbed a drink at the bar and sat at the table with 2 nearest chicks. "Hey girls you are my company for next 10 minutes..." And conversation went off naturally from there. Two of them were telling me what they were doing etc etc... It was quite cool, but really didn't like them, so didn't intend to push it anywhere. After that I was choding around with my crew, dancing and talking with them, cause they were the reason I came to that place. Went out to eat and outside I saw her. She wasn't that much of a chick, but I liked something about her a lot. She was quite tall, black hair, goth type and reminded me of some chick. Crossing the street and heading straight to her, full intent. "Hey, hey, you seem really interesting to me, I wanna meet you!" She smiles, "I am EF" I keep proximity and start talking random bullshit. She starts defending that she's 16 and that it's her bday tonight. I kiss her cheek and congratulate her birthday. I keep plowing and pushing and she laughs at it, seems kinda flattered. If I had more guts, maybe I should have kissed her straight away. In the meanwhile, her father comes to pick her up... That sums pretty much it, BUT it felt awesome. My heart is pumping different tonight, like I made some significant breaktrough in life or something, can't explain it, other than that I am extremely happy for some reason. Is it cause I got validated or because I pushed my limits back to were they were... But it feels damn good! :)
Monday, November 2, 2009
6 common myths about fitness and working out
I know all of us fell into this hell hole before. I surely have to admit that I was one. At first, I never checked my diet, never checked my form, and so on. However, as time evolved over the years, I started taking my training serious. Real serious to a point where I was competing at a top level for bodybuilding (not professional since I didn't win my card yet).
Complaints and myths:
-Lifting at higher reps will get me toned.
-I'm eating over 3000 calories but I'm still the same weight.
-Muscle turns into fat if I don't keep lifting.
-If I keep lifting the same, I will always look like this.
-I can eat whatever I want and still look the same.
-Feeling sore means my muscles are growing.
Okay, I hear this bullshit all of the time from people who just started out or are lifting that don't know jackshit about what they are talking about. It gets to me at how people take a simple thing and make it so technical.
Anyways, here are the answers to these complaints and myths:
1) Lifting at higher reps will get me toned. Nowhere near true. Getting "toned" (by which I HATE this word) is pretty much losing bodyfat. Lifting at higher reps will build more endurance for the muscles as it would twitch the white strain of muscle fibers. Rep ranges for strength, hypertrophy, and endurance are as followed: 1-6 reps is strength training, 6-12 reps is hypertrophy training, and anything more than 12 is endurance training.
2) I'm eating over 3000 calories but I'm still the same weight. It just means, "Eat more." I hear this complaint A LOT and there really isn't a complaint like this that should be around. I made this excuse, but after having a bodybuilder's trainer help me out, it makes sense. Just eat more. If that isn't enough, eat more.
3) Muscle turns into fat if I don't keep lifting. Muscle is always muscle... However, if you do stop lifting, your muscles will wear out and start to deteriorate. It's called atrophy. It's always good to keep working out though, 'cause we can see a lot of positive things out of that like progress and motivation.
4) If I keep lifting the same, I will always look like this. Aw hell no. Whoever lifts the same all the time really is killing himself, 'cause the body will just start to wear down after being so used to lifting the same. Always keep the body excited and surprised so gains can remain or progress. Change workout routines everything 3-5 weeks.
5) I can eat whatever I want and still look the same. Well, you are what you eat. Want to be a fat ass? Eat like one. Diet is 80% of what we look like in general since our bodies contain nothing but chemicals anyways. However, if you're taking training serious and want to sculpt your body, diet matters the most. Always keep diet in check first before lifting.
6) Feeling sore means my muscles are growing. This would be DOMS (Delayed onset muscle soreness). DOMS can be anything. It can be good or bad. A good pump should only be for a couple of days at most. If you are feeling sore, bad chance that might mean that you overtrained and overtraining is bad for the body.
Complaints and myths:
-Lifting at higher reps will get me toned.
-I'm eating over 3000 calories but I'm still the same weight.
-Muscle turns into fat if I don't keep lifting.
-If I keep lifting the same, I will always look like this.
-I can eat whatever I want and still look the same.
-Feeling sore means my muscles are growing.
Okay, I hear this bullshit all of the time from people who just started out or are lifting that don't know jackshit about what they are talking about. It gets to me at how people take a simple thing and make it so technical.
Anyways, here are the answers to these complaints and myths:
1) Lifting at higher reps will get me toned. Nowhere near true. Getting "toned" (by which I HATE this word) is pretty much losing bodyfat. Lifting at higher reps will build more endurance for the muscles as it would twitch the white strain of muscle fibers. Rep ranges for strength, hypertrophy, and endurance are as followed: 1-6 reps is strength training, 6-12 reps is hypertrophy training, and anything more than 12 is endurance training.
2) I'm eating over 3000 calories but I'm still the same weight. It just means, "Eat more." I hear this complaint A LOT and there really isn't a complaint like this that should be around. I made this excuse, but after having a bodybuilder's trainer help me out, it makes sense. Just eat more. If that isn't enough, eat more.
3) Muscle turns into fat if I don't keep lifting. Muscle is always muscle... However, if you do stop lifting, your muscles will wear out and start to deteriorate. It's called atrophy. It's always good to keep working out though, 'cause we can see a lot of positive things out of that like progress and motivation.
4) If I keep lifting the same, I will always look like this. Aw hell no. Whoever lifts the same all the time really is killing himself, 'cause the body will just start to wear down after being so used to lifting the same. Always keep the body excited and surprised so gains can remain or progress. Change workout routines everything 3-5 weeks.
5) I can eat whatever I want and still look the same. Well, you are what you eat. Want to be a fat ass? Eat like one. Diet is 80% of what we look like in general since our bodies contain nothing but chemicals anyways. However, if you're taking training serious and want to sculpt your body, diet matters the most. Always keep diet in check first before lifting.
6) Feeling sore means my muscles are growing. This would be DOMS (Delayed onset muscle soreness). DOMS can be anything. It can be good or bad. A good pump should only be for a couple of days at most. If you are feeling sore, bad chance that might mean that you overtrained and overtraining is bad for the body.
Credits to Hagman from Start Being forum -> http://forum.startbeing.com/
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Chode Regression Pattern...
Why do we regress if we don't approach consistently?
After 2 months of non-approaching I again have some shit form of AA, some shit form of blockades when I am about to kiss close and things like that...
I believe that some of you guys have an explanation for this. I just don't feel well when I have drawbacks in my game it makes me feel kinda frustrated, but also keeps me in drive for trying more.
I made some moves, my verbal game is up to the task, but, that kino momment, when you need to reel in and grab a girl, make a critical move I get stuck in my head and block myself shitless. I am not 100% sure, I am not 101% decisive! How to get there? Grrrr..........
Having a gf is like a curse, rather than a buff...
After 2 months of non-approaching I again have some shit form of AA, some shit form of blockades when I am about to kiss close and things like that...
I believe that some of you guys have an explanation for this. I just don't feel well when I have drawbacks in my game it makes me feel kinda frustrated, but also keeps me in drive for trying more.
I made some moves, my verbal game is up to the task, but, that kino momment, when you need to reel in and grab a girl, make a critical move I get stuck in my head and block myself shitless. I am not 100% sure, I am not 101% decisive! How to get there? Grrrr..........
Having a gf is like a curse, rather than a buff...
Inner Game,
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Random FaceBook turns out...
... I was sending a friend request to this chick I found cute. Going direct and...
Turns out that I already approached her and she still remembers it. Asked her out for some coffee, so let's see what turns out of that...
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
06/10/2009 Blown out times... :)
This was an interesting evening. I was out with my friend who got into seduction trough me like week ago. I am thrilled by his eagerness to approach. His attraction is quite good, but he gets stuck when it's about touching a girl.
We went to some Arabic caffe to smoke some nargilas and went on to approach some chicks there. Not much of a choice so it was up to me:
"Hey girls, wanna hang out with me and my friend? It's his birthday!"
I jumped trough some hoops, which I didn't like and biggest mistake of all is that instead of bringing them to us, we came to them.
Well they invited us over and location was better, because it was more private.
And it was longest stick in the set ever. To hang out for 3 hours with some chicks we've just met is quite an epiphany for me.
I do regret that I didn't went for the kclose with the chick I liked. I choded out at the begging of the interaction that I took. Don't know for what reason. Turns out that those 2 are SF geeks and Mensa members...
At one point I needed to get out of the place for 30 minutes, my friend wanted for us to stick there. Hell even wanted to stay there himself. I didn't want that to happen. So I followed him trough.
After we came back, we got accepted with cold turkey.
It amazes me, how at one point, it can be ONNNNNNN and so fucking ONNNNNNNNN... And next momment, we're landing ground zero :) They were offended because we left or what?
I don't even care, it's never about them, it's allways about YOU!
I am not motivated enough to write this field report in detail. But I learned something about myself and that counts.
Social Dynamics
Sunday, October 4, 2009
03/04/09 Field Report
I went out to some party with a friend who is kinda newbie in the game. It was some birthday and lots of girls he already knows. Lots of his girlfriends were approaching him and I was kinda hooking from there. Didn't make any approaches, but had loads of interactions.
At one point I wanted to approach one chick and instead she comes by to us. I grab her elbow and pull her in, full intent, she got scared or something. Asked her name and it's off...
Bit by bit I was halfway getting into state. Some blonde cutie hit's me remembers me from some other party 2 weeks ago. I grab her by her waist, stand there a bit, busting her that she's too aggressive. Teasing her and she's all over me. My friend does nothing to her friend and they pull out.
After a while whole bunch of them, comes to dance with us. Blondie teases my cock with her ass. It was kinda a nice, cause beside feeling good and doing nothing in particular we were surrounded by chicks.
I pull the blonde again, when she was near us, kiss her on the chick telling her that we're leaving. Grab her really close and start touching the back of her neck and keeping her really close. She puts her head on my shoulder and stays there for a while, was emotional moment to her I think.
I didn't leave my comfort zone, but it's nice feel that things are going on. Nothing in particular happened, but it left some impact on me as an event.
Need to push myself way more into cold approaching.
Which I did right after. We went after to grab some food. There was a chick behind us.
"Are you from this neighborhood?" -"Yea" -"Can you tell us where XYZ dinners is?" -"Are you busting my balls?" -"No, I am not from around here." -"Where are you from?"
At that point we got into convo, but right after we got to the place where we wanted to eat and I naturally ejected, without much thinking. Because we've arrived to the dinners we were after, invited her over, but she proceeded. Guess not enough attraction for her to stay, nor for me to pursue ;p My friend was kinda shocked how I had massive attraction right off the bat. To be frank I was kinda too. Keep myself surprising how woman are responding well to me. Kinda think how it would go if I was longer in the field, guess I am gonna find that out...
Inner Game,
Thursday, October 1, 2009
01/10/2009 Field Report
Well I won't keep this blog only as blog, it's gonna be a personal diary of seduction to an extent. After one month break I decided to get back to field, because FIELD IS KING!
Don't get me wrong, I didn't waste month, I had 2 fclose's and I got a "gf" now. Well I didn't make anything official, but I see her on consistent basis.
So after the long break I decided to get back. And I am way worse than I was before. Not externally but internally. When you are good internally even when you are bad, you are not affected by bad result, but you strive for change and learn fast.
For some reason I am really having old issues, like AA and shit like that. I still need to break my reality hardcore, not to protect my ego. I need to step up to my own level that I knew I had.
Consistency, like in the gym. Consistency is what brings results, not fucking ego protection.
I do not care what anyone thinks of me!
I had just a couple of approaches and I was blown out hard time. And I was angry about it. Anger comes from ego, which is not satisfied with the result he gets, but we are not preoccupied here with the ego, aren't we?
Inner Game,
Pick Up,
Social Dynamics
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The summer is over...
We won't have much opportunity to show off with our sexy bodies around. Dunno about you, but in past six months I got ripped apart and I completely changed my visual appearance regarding my body. I can't post pics with before and after, but in a year I lost 20-22 pounds.
Autumn and winter are ideal time for preparing yourself for the next season if you are just starting.
So let's talk about what brings results in gym. It is three things.
Pushing your limits
People asked me how I got myself disciplined so fast? I kept myself motivated. Getting into seduction community I knew it was kinda a lie when they said that it's not about physical appearance. It is to a certain extent. If you don't look good, you need to make it up with some other areas of your personality. But changing your personality is a bit harder than changing the way you look.
Regarding the looks it's not really about how you look externally, but it's all about your internal validation of yourself, when you look yourself in the mirror and you say to yourself: DAMN I LOOK GOOD :)))
So I was inspired by Tyler Durden's (Mark Oven) speech about commitment to the results.
It doesn't matter if you are tired or if you are lazy, or you just don't feel, you must go out!
It is all about making healthy habits. You can't expect to look extremely better in a month, results take time. And you have to KNOW that.
So let's say you are tired today and you don't feel like going out to gym, you should push yourself just to go and you can say to yourself that you are gonna to the light training, just to make a habit out of it. 97% of the time when I said to myself that I am just gonna do the light training I did a complete one and felt way better about myself.
I like this song and it keeps my state pumped up for gym and for sarge also.
Pushing the limits
If you work out as a pussy you will look like a pussy. PERIOD. It will take ageeees to get you the
results you want. Get someone to sit over you while you are pushing your bench press and when it's
the last series and last repeats of the excersise, than do 2 more repeats! Your limit is when you
feel muscle ripping apart and acid pumping trough and making the pain! Learn to love that pain.
Learn it as a signal, that you did a good work out.
If you feel like that the weight is not giving you enough pressure, be sure to put on more weights.
If you can do 12 repeats in one series, than it's time to add some weight and lower the number of
Test yourself! Always on the last series add some more weight and try to give your max. If you push
it with same number of repeats than do that weight next time you do the same workout.
Always hit the pain! Pain is good :)
Some from the guys in my hood are doing workout openair. And the biggest guy explained how is
he doing his thing. "I don't count how much repeats I did, I just work until my pain hurts, make a
break and than do it again."
Nutrition is the key to your health and your looks. If you eat good and quality food, you will feel way
better and with higher energy levels. You will need to learn which food is rich with carbonhydrates
and fat, and which food has lots of protein. Making a healthy diet is essential for your looks.
Combining the good workout and good nutrition will get you ripped apart like an animal. You don't
need to take steroids in order to look like Brad Pitt or Christian Bale! (body wise).
I will write a lot about nutrition in my future posts so I will keep that area covered.
But to sum it up, if you want results, you need:
Commitment to working out and making a habit and lifestyle out of it.
Pushing your limits and not working out as a pussy
and eating healthy (and having good night sleep).
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